O' would that I were in the Isle of my Heart,
My dear island where I grew up;
O', would that I were in the Isle of my Heart,
Isle of the high cold mountains.
Barefoot I'd run over moorland and heather
If I could cross over the ferry to Kyle,
I would go in a hurry to the village I love
To the home where I was raised.
Content I would be if I were justnow
Beside the peat-stack on a hillock at rest
The most beautiful mist wrething and swimming
And falling o'er the sholders of Blath-Bheinn
My wish is to stay with the kin of my heart
In William's wee bothy by the waves on the beach,
Where forever we'd listen each night and each day
Without but moorland and sea beside
I see the Meall and I see the Sgorr
The side of Quirang and the hills of the Storr
Little Helaval and Big Helava
The Three Streams delta and
`S truagh nach robh mis'ann an
`S truagh nach robh mis'ann an
Eilean nam fuar-bheann`arda.
Ruithinn-se cas-ruisg-t air monadh is fraoch
Nam faighinn-se thairis air aiseag a is chaoil
Rachainn le cabhag gu clachan mo ghaoil
Do`n dachaidh's an dh`fhuair mi m' a'rach
`S truagh nach robh mis'ann an
`S mis'a bhiodh sona nan robh mi an drasd
Ri taobh na cruaich-mohona, air
An ceo-geal bu bhoidhche a lubadh `sa snamh
`S a tuiteam mo ghualain Blath- Bheinn.
`S truagh nach robh mis' ann an
Dhurachdainn fuireach le cuideachd
`S a bhothan aig Uilleam aig tuinne
Gu'n`eisd bhi `oirnn tuile gach
Ach muir agus monadh a laimh rinn.
`S truagh nach robh mis'ann an
Chi' mi am Meall, agus chi mi an Sgorr;
Slinnean Churaing agus Binnean an Storr,
Healabhal Bheag agus Healabhal Mhor-
Beul nan Tri-Allt is Gearraidh.