Deuteronomy Chap 4 v2 oh and how they tried to "subtract" by worshipping other gods, and NOW they "add" with all the serpentine Talmudic complications; Jesus perfectly lived the TRUE Law - rejecting BOTH the convenient subtractions AND the brutal and burdensome additions; v3-4 They're DEAD, You're ALIVE! The ultimate object lesson! V27-31 Even in the pits of Hell, the farthest reaches of well deserved despair, God will be there - waiting patiently to forgive and show mercy; A God of NO boundaries, a God NO one can limit or prohibit - a truly infinite God yet able to hear one small cry of confession and heartache v28 as if to say - "If you so choose such gods, you'll be force fed your FILL of them, and in so worshipping you will take the FULL measure of their dead impotence, their mute inadequacy; v31 the key here is GOD'S oath which NO man can compel Him to break! v1-40 Moses knows this is his last chance - he is almost desperately trying to FORCE them to FINALLY see the WHOLE picture - to one last time hard stamp upon their iron hearts and stone brows the TRUTH that is their only hope - as if he knew what a foolish forgetful people they were and was making one last ditch attempt to spare them from themselves; here he weaves an amazing picture - covering all tha was before and all that is and will be (both heaven and earth) to show them the utter absolute complete totality of their One True God; almsot as if to plead with them to finally and forever see HIM as Moses now saw Him; Ch 9 9:1-3 God's provision often isn't to make only tiny problems for me - ie, He DOESN'T SHRINK my problems small enough for ME to manage on my own; Instead, HE acts LARGE enough, in, around and sometimes through me and my life to overcome "Giants" truely TOO great for ME to manage! SO God's provision can't/shouldn't be assessed on how small He's made the enemy, but rather, AS ALWAYS, ON HIS CHARACTER - based SOLEY on WHO He is! We don't use what He's done in the past to try to "predict" or 2nd guess what SPECIFIC actions He'll take in the future - BUT RATHER, we use His "history" to learn more clearly and more presonally about WHO HE IS - it is His CHARACTER that should be our focus; Corrie Ten Boom could NEVER have guessed God would pass her through the hell of a Nazi death camp - to see her sister perish there, based upon His previous actions in her life, BUT she COULD be assurred of His CHARACTER from His "history" in her life - His faithfulness, His love, His SOVEREIGNTY, His TRUSTWORTHINESS while she WENT through that new and alienly horrible place; 9:5-6 Thank GOD that it is NOT on MY merit that He loves me and provides for me but rather on HIS choice of love for me! Ch 32 32:28 Imagine being told by God "You're gonna die - THERE'S the place and here's the time..."Moses is now 120 years old - some quiet peaceful years, but the LAST 40 were long hard contentious exciting years - Everyone he knew is long dead - he's no longer a man with friends who share a common personal memory/history with him, but rather a cultural ICON; did he view this news with sadness as a visionary having to stop shirt of the new adventure OR with relief as a man wearied and saddened by their past buffoonery and sure and certain furture idiocy? Lonely and longing to go and be with the Lord he had served long if imperfectly, and join those too he had long since left behind? What did he feel when he gazed into the anxious but excited eyes of his spirtual heir Joshua, one of only a very few who had NEVER waivered or lost the vision, perhaps his one remaining true friend who knew him not as the ICON, but as the man, and who still shared his heart and love for God and His fractious "Chosen" People - Joshua, now faced with the terrible sad departure of his spiritual father, surely grieved not the Loss of the Patriarch, but rather of a father and personal friend; That helps explain the comforting words Moses offered to Joshua, vs the hard words of warning aimed at Israel; v51 " the midst of the sons of Israel...", perhaps THIS is why God came down so hard on Moses - not just his human failure, but more over because he exposed ALL of Israel to it as well...