Ow pos preparys

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English-Cornish Dictionary: Gerlyver Sawsnek-Kernowek, compiled by Nicholas J.A. Williams. Edited by Michael Everson. Advisory editor: Marion Gunn. Everson Gunn Teoranta, Dublin and Agan Tavas, Redruth. ISBN 1-8990082. Publication date is 1/9/200. This is a comprehensive English-Cornish dictionary of over 500 pages and is twice as long as Nance's 1952 dictionary.

'B�s agus Athbheochan na Coirnise' ['The death and revival of Cornish'], to appear in Bliainiris 2001 (2000 Rath Cairn, County Meath), edited by Ruair� � hUiginn and Liam Mac C�il.

An Testament Noweth
The whole of the New Testament in Cornish translated from the original Greek text

[ Tre arta ]