Scotland program-history

Amiga CanDo Versions:

V 0.1 10.01.1996 first working version with Texts of Battles pictures of Castles and some Clan-histories music already enabled
V 0.1a 14.01.1996 added the Tartans of MacKenzie and MacRae also added the texts of Clan-history
V 0.1b 17.01.1996 SND-bug fixed, first installer-file added
V 0.2 25.01.1996 added the Tartans of Campbell, MacDonald, Sutherland and Murray, enabled Castleviews from the Clan-pages
V 0.2a 03.02.1996 added the FUISCE-page, fixed bug in colours of the "about"-function, re-rendered some of the screens
V 0.3 22.02.1996 added animation on the CASTLES-screen, fixed inefficient QUIT-function, added automatic startup-function
V 0.30a 26.02.1996 implied RETURN-function and sound-toggle
V 0.31 31.03.1996 added BATTLES-screen and buttons on LEGENDS screen, hopefully fixed bug within brush-anim
V 0.31a 30.04.1996 added the text about the Battle of Flodden
V 0.32 09.05.1996 added Douglas-chronicle and page, changed brightness in some tartan-pages and added further information
V 0.32a 14.05.1996 added the text of Solway Moss and the Chronicle button
V 0.33 29.05.1996 added the contents of the FUISCE-page and