Hi! This is me, Josh.

This picture is old but Mommy promises to get better ones soon. Maybe from our vacation.
You can see more current pictures here: The Boys' Room

Here's a quick pic of me from when some of Mommy's friends were here in April 2003.

I am now 2.5 yrs old. And Mom says I'm a handfull. I'm very independent and rather stubborn.

Grandma calls me a "stubbron little cuss". I just smile sweetly back.

I love baseball and anything to do with the Arizona Diamondbacks . I also love Buzz Lightyear and am usually

going around the house saying my version of "To Infinity and BEYOND!".

My heroes are my Daddy and my big brother, Alex. I think I should be able to do whatever Alex does..don't you?

That's it for now. I need to go night-night. See ya later!