Don't forget that you are preparing for your "then" right "now".

You can choose to govern and ordain your personal destiny and be the master of your own fate! Don't let yourself forget that, because your future happiness depends on this one fact. The future happiness you will enjoy in this life and in lives to come.

Karma is, in itself, spiritual "cause and effect" following Newton's law, "for every action, there is a reaction." You hurt me, I hurt you (in a future existence). We are all meeting each other, not for the first time but for an infinite time, we don't recognize one another and we may even be a different sex and in a different relationship than in previous lives. The fact remains that we will meet repeatedly and until we fulfill our Karmic destiny and release the negative forces. We may not necessarily enjoy each other's company, but we can. Please, don't let it alarm you. It's a wonderfully forgiving aspect of life.... in essence, "what goes around, comes around". Become enlightened and release yourself to enjoy life. You can be sure that if someone steals something from you in this life, you have stolen something from them in a previous incarnation.

The negative Karma is all around us. Look and you will see positive Karma as well. There are many aspects in our daily lives that are affected by what we did in a former life. If you recieve an award or are given unexpected and seemingly undeserved riches, be fully aware that at some point in a previous time, you gave these to others and are being "paid" back. If you pull out the hair of another's head be assured that someday, some way, somewhere that person will pull out your hair. When you teach yourself to become aware of these as a Karmic channel of cause and effect, you can teach yourself how to end the cycle and be free of the negativity. Thereby, freeing the others who are enmeshed in your life through Karma. It's easy to do.

First you must accept the responsibility. Then forgive the other person. And finally, make atonement for the action. Accept the Karmic debt gracefully, not complaining and without bitterness and resentment. You will find that the weight will be lifted and the future is balanced.

The chain of negative Karma can be broken in one of two ways. I will use the names James and Sue to weave an example. James and Sue meet in each existence. James hurts Sue, then in a future existence, Sue meets James in a different body with a different name and is compelled to hurt him in some way. This repays "their" debt and is done on a subconscious level through a very foggy awareness. Then they are both in a new lifetime and now it's once again James' turn to hurt Sue. And so it continues through time until one becomes enlightened and makes a conscious effort to end this cycle of hurt and retribution.
1. The one most recently hurt is Sue (in a previous existence, of course). But she has become enlightened to the truth of Karmic law and refuses to continue the chain. She understands that the undeniable urges she has to hurt James is somehow becoming evident to him (unconsciously) and she makes a conscious choice to refuse to be a vehicle for his karmic retribution. The effect is that Sue forgives James and the chain of Karma breaks. The broken Karmic chain releases both people who have been linked by it.
2. Sue has not been enlightened and cannot break the chain as described above, but James is enlightened to the truth and responds to the hurt inflicted on him by Sue by saying (and meaning!) "What things did I do to this person in a previous life to cause her to do these things to me? I haven't done anything to her in this life. I must have initiated this action in a former incarnation, therefore, I not only deserve this action, but it's likely I may deserve more." By admitting this to himself, he has taken responsibility for his previous actions and has forgiven Sue for her actions, thus breaking the chain of Karma. This understanding will be carried over to the next incarnation when they meet once again.

When something extremely negative happens to you, realize that you inflicted the same kind of suffering on someone in a previous existence - which is why you are experiencing it now (even though you don't remember it). Then you must accept full responsiblity for the situation and remove all bitterness and resentment toward the person inflicting the pain or hurt. Even if you appear to be innocent of the cause of the action, keep in mind that it is a result of a former experience. A genuine and sincere acceptance will lighten the burden of the particular Karma you are experiencing.

Meditate on the action you are experiencing and then perform an opposite action of a positive nature to the person who is causing this discomfort. It must be genuine! This should balance the forces of Karma, removing this debt forever.

Remember, you have no luck - good or bad - in this life, that you haven't brought upon yourself because of your own actions, whether in this life or a previous one. Each action that you set into motion will stay in motion until you learn how to balance the laws of cause and effect - leveling, in essence, Karmic debt.

What happens when you fail to recognize your Karmic destiny? You will be required to repeat certain actions in order to make your wrongs right. You must learn your lessons. In fact, until you do, just like in school, you can't be promoted to the next "level". Levels being spiritual bliss. Failing in certain aspects doesn't mean you will flunk out of life, you will be required to repeat, there will be no dropping out allowed by the forces of life. You have no choice in that matter, but you do have a choice in the paths which you choose.

You must become illuminated to recieve the gift of karmic memory, capable of tuning in and out of memory selectively. By getting in touch with your own Higher Self, you can break the chain of Karma. To tune in to your Higher Self you must have the desire to do so. Desire comes about by an intense need or wanting, then seeking the answers. If your desire to know is sincere and intense, not just curiosity, you will begin to experience flashes of deja vu. This will lead to a self-discovery that will send you to a realm where you will be able to selectively remember the long ago lives and far away times of "you".

The law of Karma and reincarnation will eventually lead us all to the same level of fulfillment.

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