Heritage is a naturist club in which full nudity is required from all adults subject to the British weather etc. Formal evening parties, discos and functions are clothed.

All visitors bookings are accepted on the understanding that they will adhere to the normal club's rules on conduct for members, and the club regulations on camping. These are available on line or from the Heritage office.

  • Dogs and pets are not permitted. 
  • Deposits for non-members are not returnable.

Heritage is primarily a family club and will not normally accept camping / caravan bookings from single persons. However there are always exceptions so, if you are single, do please call / email the club to explore the possibility for your chosen dates.

Use of any downloadable forms assumes you have read and understood our web pages about camping.

  • You are expected to shower before swimming. 

  • Children must use the pool at all times only under the direct supervision of a parent or appropriate adult. 

  • The pool has no life guard supervision. 

  • First-aiders are usually on site.

  • The club has a television lounge.

  • All hot showers are freely available. 

  • Sauna fees are not included in the camping fee, nor are fees and tickets for club functions and events which may be 

  • Ice-creams are available mid-afternoon at weekends.on during your visit.


  • We do not have electrical hook-ups. 

  • The mobile home is fully equipped with heating, cooker, fridge, crockery etc., toilet and hand basin. Reasonable use of electricity is included. You need to bring bed linen

  • The club kitchen area has no cooker ( local authority regulations ), but freezer, microwave and fridge facilities are available. Tea and coffee is gratis but a small donation is appreciated.

  • Use of boule, miniten and other courts is free of charge but subject to usual club usage bookings etc.


The club management committee may decline any visitor booking without question and may without compensation remove immediately from the club any visitors whose actions it considers as inappropriate to naturism, offensive to club members and the good running of the club.


DOWNLOAD PAGE for booking forms, club rules & constitution etc