This issue comes out on the eve of Family Week. The burning question is: will the weather be kind to us this year , or not? I guess the only answer is that it’s in the lap of the gods; the Water Board may be threatening a water shortage but I’m suffering from severe sunshine deprivation this year. Even though my family has grown up I still enjoy the camaraderie and simple good fun that pervades the whole week. One item which may not be in the published Programme is the pool slide. We had thought to give this favourite a miss, but after much pressure from our young members I have booked one for Wednesday.
of our younger members proving they can swim the length of the pool
underwater! I have always been at odds with the name ‘Family Week’. It is most definitely not just for those who have families but for every member of our club (read ‘family of Heri’.) Our treasurer in typical pose! |
It occurs to
me that I would like to extend warm congratulations to Andrea and Lee,
Michele and Phil and Adrian Membership Report
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99 - and still going strong Last year John Croker paid us his last visit at the age of 99, but didn't live to see 100. Mary G is 99 this year and of course we celebrate this year and look forward to the next. Most Heritage members will be aware that our remarkable Hon. President Mary G. celebrated her 99th birthday in July this year. Mary’s daughter and family invited about 80 guests to a hotel near Wokingham to share this occasion with Mary. Mary’s family and close friends were joined by members of her W.I., Townswomen’s Guild, Scrabble Club and others – illustrating Mary’s many varied interests. The guests included a number of her old friends from Heritage, the club that has been such a big part of her long life. Many, many tributes were paid to Mary, remarking on
her friendship, her kindness, her loyalty, and, particularly, her
sense of humour. It was indeed a memorable occasion and Mary deserved
all the plaudits. Perhaps I should point out to newer members how much
Mary has meant to Heritage. She, with her late husband Roy (who sadly
died in the 1950s) joined Heritage in 1941, only a few weeks after the
club’s inception. From the start, Mary and Roy played a significant
part in the development of the club, and in 1944 Rare naturist moment in the Highlands Ron
B is a very long-time friend of ours, and happens to be a naturist as
well. He is a member of the Ron
is also a keen mountain walker, and at his 50th birthday party, on top
of a hill in the Lake District, handed out invitations to his 60th
birthday party, to be held, similarly, on a mountain in The weather was outstanding and, having laboured up the short but steep slopes of the Cairnwell, we guests all expectantly awaited Ron’s arrival at the top, wondering if, perchance, he might decide to strip off for his appearance at the summit. Alas, no, but there was a kilted piper to pipe him to the the top. Mallory without climbing gear! Many bottles of champagne later, the naturist contingent among us decided that it was time for a photo opportunity, in the spirit of George Mallory. That’s how mountains should be climbed. Pam |
Reaches Heritage We have crept into the modern world. As part of the modernisations in the office we have installed broadband into the club and we now provide a wifi hotspot. Our thanks go to James B for doing all the techie bit and scrabbling around in the roof. For a ONE-OFF DONATION of £10 to club funds we will register your laptop ( or whatever ) with the Herinet Server - and then you can browse the Internet for as long as you like under the summer sun ( or rain ). Contact James B through the club office to get yourself connected. What we do is:
This ensures that the club's systems are secure from outside intrusion and that we know who is on our systems, though the likelyhood of someone sitting in a car outside our gates with a wifi laptop trying to 'hack-in' are relatively low! The wifi signal currently covers the pavilion, pool area and top end sunbathing areas. It does not yet quite reach over to the caravan pitches or apex. For the technical amongst us, we discovered that the tennis court netting acts as a 'Faraday cage'. We will be installing a relay in the not too distant future to overcome this. CLUB developments - electricity and water - and then the steam sauna As most of you now know, we discovered that we did not have the electric capacity to immediately do the steam sauna. Then late last year and earlier this year a series of spectacular water leaks and bursts made us realise that getting steam into the new chalet would prove a challenge! So the Management Committee decided that we needed to install new water pipes and electric circuits prior to going ahead with the new building. This has given the club the opportunity to provide electric hookups next year and to offer all site occupiers ( chalets and tents ) the access to electricity. We needed a good proportion of chalet owners to agree to meet their portion of installation costs for the club to warrant the extra 'junction equipment'. We are pleased to announce that this has been met. After Tony’s presentation, as advertised in the last Sundial, all hut and tent site owners were asked to fill in a form to say whether they wanted to be included in the scheme. Enough support was shown to satisfy our Treasurer, so the project will now go ahead. Not all forms have been returned as yet. If yours is outstanding, please pop it into the office letterbox - and its not too late to change your mind ( either way ). Every year this is a success. Having committed yourself to being there, the basic format is that couples eat and cook in teams and move around the club to meet and eat with others. The 'catch' is that you don't know till quite late which course you two have been asked to prepare or with whom you will be having the course - or any of the other courses. So after years of eating the writing has to begin. Chris LT is coordinating this and the request to all participants is to give him their recipes, so we can get started on the proposed Safari Supper Recipe Book. Hand-written is fine. But, no recipes, no book. This year's cooking was brilliant as shown by the spread above. |
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La Jenny - three weeks on the Atlantic Coast For
the past three years Ian has been the organiser of several trips to I missed the first, but was encouraged to go on the second to Sablière - canoeing down the Ardèche. Encouraged by people who had enjoyed the first trip, by the fact that it was a trip I could go on as a single female and feel safe in the company of friends, and by the fact that being part of a group meant I could escape on my own if I wanted to, or pick and choose activities with other bits of the group who wanted to do the same thing at the same time. The latest trip was to La Jenny in June / July this year. After a successful week there last year several of the group expressed an interest in going again - but for longer. Ian booked chalets for a total of 3 weeks and then juggled rooms, chalets and people so that some went for three weeks, some for two, 10 days, one week – even for just a couple of days for one person whose work commitments took over!
Arrival was by various means - two of us joined Ian in his car, which I’d been rather rude about. Until I drove it. Now I’m just jealous. [ Its a V8 4.2 with all the trimmings and its very very very fast - and comfortable - yumm like the leather - Ian ] Others
travelled down by train and hired a car locally, but the most popular
method was by flying into [ Ian has a 'Geocache' setup there as an Earthcache - so come on - log your find! ] Already
the highest in
Surprisingly(?), there were lots of châteaux - Storms provided overnight entertainment on several occasions - including the most incredible electric storm / laser light show I’ve ever seen. Days were warm to hot, though not with the wall to wall sunshine of the previous year. This meant that at times it was cool enough to consider bike rides along the coast path (naturist for many miles except when going through villages) to Le Porge Ocean and beyond. The boys show how its done! |
Then there’s the friendly rivalry between the two larger chalets - we’ve got better facilities, they’ve got more food. They have so much wine that they don’t recognise it when it’s presented back to them! (‘Stolen’ earlier in the evening.) They have magic crème brûlée icecream that turns to ice. We have the facilities to dress the table properly for dinner - and ourselves! (Sorry, but I’ve had to censor the pictures. ‘Properly’, indeed! - Chris) June 21st. Everyone gathers in various stages of attire and with various beverages to attend the setting of the sun. Ian is spectacular in red silk kimono, inevitable hat, and an umbrella. Since he does not have a walking impediment and there is no sign of rain, we ask why the umbrella, but since it’s Ian we do not question his enigmatic responses too much. No point really - we’re not going to get a straight answer! Sunset is quiet - pleasant pictures of the sun sinking but the final moment of sinking is lost behind the clouds. As dusk arrives some of us began to think of moving back to the chalet.A bug appears from nowhere, hovering around Ian. Ian moves, the bug moves. Ian stands up, the bug rises higher. Ian puts up his umbrella and moves a couple of paces. The bug speeds up. Ian makes a beeline for the sea 50 yards away and the bug follows - no problem for the bug, he just flies faster in a straight line, and his prey - the big green thing with bright red below - is not going to escape. Bearing left confuses the bug momentarily, but having worked out that its prey is trying to evade it, it resumes the attack, seemingly attaching itself with an invisible thread to Ian's umbrella. And bug number 2 joins in. [ Notice the classy umbrella - Ian ] Meanwhile all his ‘friends’ are incapable of movement - giggling blobs on the sand creased up double with tears running down faces. Nobody can do anything to help. With two bugs now dive-bombing him, Ian continues in a large circle, in the process getting more exercise than he’s had in years. Eventually his circuitous, zig-zag route brings him back to his helpless heap of friends, déshabillé, minus hat, and with a bug inside the brolly. Rescue is now available in the form of a quick-thinking Alan who grabs Ian’s hat from the sand and traps the chief culprit. And the second. Ian declines to join in the closer inspection of the 1½" long maybug-like bombers. With Ian returned to the fold we all begin to pack up, but more bugs are gathering. The walk up the steps past the waste bin proves a hazard. In the 20 yards of boardwalk to the top of the dune we attract more. And as more bugs appear it becomes clear what the umbrella had been for - bug defence! Why didn't you tell us Ian?! Sarongs, fleeces and bags are utilised in place of umbrellas, probably more effectively! Anne H |
Other news Gwen and Joan’s Tombola This is held every year to raise funds for Cancer Research, was its usual huge success. Over £1400 was raised, the actual amounts raised by the various activities can be seen on the white board in the conservatory. Stripper raises cash! |
Obit for Eva It was not until late June this year, when Denis D. made a lonely visit to the club, that we learned of the sad death of his wife, Eva. She had, for many years, suffered from recurring illness, which accounted for their infrequent visits to Heritage. Even then Eva was generally forced to seek the shadier parts of the club. We extend our sincere sympathy to Denis and to his family on their sad loss . Denis will of course sorely miss Eva, a kind and gentle lady, but we trust that he may find some solace by visits to Heritage. Bill
I New potential members are met by the membership team and come for an initial three visits, usually on a Sunday [ see our web pages on
membership ]