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li Get Crescendo
  Now you can view the Celtic world on the web, warning you are in for a look at the Celtic experience. Remember even  the Celts are people just like any other, but they have an uncanny ability to see three sides to every two sided situation. To all non Celts, this tendency can be at times upsetting and at least confusing. To all Celts, this is one of the reasons you are like you are.
 Remember! E-Mail me if you think you can help the page.
 This site has nothing to do with Celts, but it is so cool
 Now for the first in a series of Celtic links: Don't pass over the link to a celtic news group!
 A look at the Celts in history. The Celts are good at history!
 Great cyber site, with lots of good telling links.
 Celtic Gamers!

 E-Mail to celttooth, your Celtic connection in Canada!