How to add a beveled edge
the easy way


After you have your side graphic the way you want and BEFORE you add the part for the text you are ready to add the beveled edge.

First pick a BACKGROUND color that is really obnoxious and that is NOT in your graphic.

Go to image/add border and add pixels (anywhere from 10 to 25 is fine) to the top and bottom but not to either side.

Now add a layer.

On this new layer go to image/effects/buttonize. Set the height at 1 pixel (as small as it will go) and click on "auto proof" and "transparent". Now play with the opacity and the width setting until you see something you like. Click OK when done.

Go to the tools and get the crop tool. Line up the crop tool with "0" on the left side and start at the end of your added border, drag down and to the right until you get to the top of the other border you added. Now hit crop on the drop down menu to finish the crop. (alternately you could use the magic wand and select the top border, hold down the shift key and select the bottom border then go to image/crop to selection if that is easier for you)

NOTE: if you have a line when you see your image tiled, you didn't crop enough. Just go back to PSP and go to selections/select all. Then selections/modify/contract by 1 pixel. Then go to image/crop to selection and that should get rid of it. You will never really miss those 2 pixels.

Now be sure you are on the layer with the buttonizer on it and get the eraser. Set it to 100% opacity and 100% density with the step as low as it will go. Set it large and go over the left hand edge until it is all gone and only the right hand bevel is left.

To finish your stationery, choose a color that you want under the text portion and make it your background color.

Go to image/canvas size and make the height the same as the current and the width 1024 or 1152px. UNCHECK "center horizontally" but be sure to CHECK "center vertically". Set the LEFT to 0. Then hit OK.


This is exactly how this stationery was made. The only difference is that after I changed the canvas size I used the magic wand to select the added part and added a little noise.
