Fortune City will add a banner to this page, the one you download will not have that included.
Click and drag to highlight this text and then just type yours - While this is still highlighted - then your text will replace this text.

Without the banner the button will be at the top and the text will start in the greyed out part lined up with the top of the button

In Outlook Express after you have composed new message using this stationery...
To add an email link to the button:
Click on the button. That will put a box around it.
Go to insert/hyperlink

The hyperlink information window will open.
The first box is a drop down choice box. It is defaulted to http:// (the start of a web site address)
change this to mailto: (you will notice that the bottom box now starts with mailto:)
Place your cursor in the bottom box just to the right of the : and type your full email address

It should look like mailto:[email protected] (or org or net or edu or mil or, you get the idea)

Hit ok and you are done!


I hope you enjoy this version of the Munro tartan. While it is not the most common one, it is the one I wear. <g>