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Ardersier and Petty Community Council

Directory of Minutes: 1998. 1999.
15th June 1998 Inaugural Meeting, Election, L.A. Liaison, Conference, Hanging Baskets, Newsletter, Landfill Site, Gala, Tennis Court, Communication.
02 July 1998 Hanging Baskets, Tennis Court, Newsletter, Landfill Site, Gala, Communication, Telephone calls, Actioning priorities, Minutes, Notice-board, Vice chair, Co-opted members, E-mail, Traffic, Millenium celebrations, Outgoing council, Councillor Peacock CBE.
30th July 1998 Vice-chair elected, Co-opted members, Hanging Baskets, Tennis Court, Newsletter, Landfill Site, Informative signs, Traffic calming,
3rd. September 1998 Water mains replacement, Brochures printed, View point, Street lights, 39 High Street, Airport Consultative meeting, Litter bin at slip way, Traffic hazard Castle Stuart.
1st October 1998 View point marker, Community newspaper, Co-opted member, Late night bus service, Land Reform Document, Councillor Peacock, Footpath Manse Road, New chip shop, Picnic bench.
3rd. November 1998 Internet Community Site, Rural transport Initiative, Lottery Community Grant, Additional bus service, Chip shop later opening, Councillor Peacock replies, Cath's cats, Ardersier Sewage Treatment Works, Sponsorship, CSC. Forestry Products, Army houses, Merger of medical practice
Feedback Information. E-mail info. and address.

MONDAY 15th JUNE, 1998


  1. PRESENT Martin Hughes (Depute Returning Officer), Pat Barrett, John Ferguson, Robert Fraser, Mike Galleitch, Jean Hay, Diane Johnstone, Amanda Pattison-Wilson, Sandra Skinner, Grace Stewart, Pat Taylor, Jacqueline Thompson, also, two members of the public.
  2. INTRODUCTION Martin Hughes, on behalf of the Returning Officer of the Highland Council, welcomed those present to the meeting and formally announced the receipt of 12 valid nominations for places on the Ardersier & Petty Community Council, meaning that sufficient had been obtained to confirm the formation thereof. Those duly elected were introduced as follows:

    Patricia Barrett 32 Station Road, Ardersier
    John Ferguson 13 Reaybank Road, Ardersier
    Robert Fraser 23 Stuart Street, Ardersier
    Michael Galleitch Ardersier Cottage, Ardersier
    Jean Hay Oirthir, Hillhead, Ardersier
    Diane Johnstone 33 Nairn Road, Ardersier
    Amanda Pattison-Wilson 31 High Street, Ardersier
    Alexandra Skinner 26 Station Road, Ardersier
    Grace Stewart 17 Stuart Avenue, Ardersier
    Neil Stewart 17 Stuart Avenue, Ardersier
    Patricia Taylor 68 High Street, Ardersier
    Jacqueline Thompson The White House, Easterton
  3. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Neil Stewart.
  4. LOCAL AUTHORITY LIAISON Miss Jane Maclennan was the Liaison Officer for the Community Councils within the Inverness Area and was based at the Town House. She was available to give advice by telephone or letter on all issues affecting Community Councils. On her behalf, it was advised that Community Councils were required to hold a minimum of six meetings annually and that a copy of the minutes of such meetings be sent to her. The Highland Council would also issue all Council agendas to Community Councils for their information. Copies of all Highland Council Minutes would be sent to Community Councils after each cycle of meetings. The financial assistance available to the Community Council for 1998/1999 had been calculated on the same basis as that for the former Community Council. Any surplus/deficit from the former Community Council was still awaiting confirmation.
    The insurance premium of £41.60 was explained.
    Martin Hughes called for nominations for Office Bearers and the following were duly elected :-
    Chairman - Michael Galleitch
    Secretary - Diane Johnstone
    Treasurer - Jacqueline Thompson
    Mike Galleitch then took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.
    The Community Council Conference was raised and Bob Fraser and Jacqui Thompson agreed to attend.
    Some considerable discussion took place due to the working arrangements of many of the newly elected Council. The great majority work 'unsocial' hours and it was difficult to set a day of the week, however, it was decided to try for Thursday 2nd July 1998 at 7.00 pm in the Old School Hall, if this was available at short notice.
    This will be an open meeting and notices would be produced advertising this fact.
    Return to Directory of Minutes

Thursday 02 July 1998


Council Members; Mike Galleitch, Jean Hay, Grace Stewart, Pat Taylor.

Public; Thorston Fret, Martin Hughes, John Kay, Helen Robinson.

1. APOLOGIES Pat Barrett, Robert Fraser, Diane Johnstone, Jacqueline Thompson,

Amanda Pattison-Wilson, John Ferguson, Neil Stewart.


Approved by Pat Taylor seconded by Grace Stewart.


    Hanging Baskets:- Mrs. Ashford contacted the Primary School regarding a green-house project. Those authorities did not consider this to be a feasible venture. An attempt was already established to create a vegetable garden with little success. Mr. Fret has obtained sponsors for more baskets, but wishes the council to consider purchase of an inexpensive watering device, together with a small quantity of fertilizer. He also suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to the floral hall, who have been of particular assistance in this matter. (Diane.) Chairman suggested Council were in a position to purchase two more baskets and should consider so doing.
    Inverness & Nairn C.C. Conference:- Bob and Jackie attended. Chairman read out a summary submitted by Bob.
    Community Newsletter Seminar:- Chairman unable to attend but Miss Maclennan approached to forward a summary of seminar results.
    Foreshore Effluent & Land-fill Site, East of village:- Dr. Diethe not yet contacted.
    Local Gala:- Agreed for Community Council to attend. Chairman to produce leaflet and other ideas to be muted for next meeting.
    Tennis Court nets:- No one yet contacted.
    Telephone Calls:- Chairman trying to obtain e-mail addresses of Highland Council members/services in an attempt to install an inexpensive method of communication with these authorities.
  2. ACTIONING FIRST PRIORITIES:- Chairman enquired whether the new council wished to meet on a monthly basis, just to deal with matters as they arose, or would they consider an attempt to innovate some practical projects within their reach. He distributed a paper designed to stimulate a response (plagiarised from Calor Gas Scottish Community of the Year Awards), he asked them to consider the contents and report back at the next meeting. (paper attached) This paper will also serve as a base for that, to be distributed on the Gala day. He also highlighted the fact that this council would be in office during the Millennium celebrations and any ideas as to how this could be commemorated should now be considered.
  3. A.O.C.B.:- Chairman minuted a vote of thanks to Richard Beagant, and the other council members who have done much to enhance the village and its amenities during their term of office. Mr. Fret intimated that a more practical thanks should also be considered.

Thursday 30th July 1998

  1. APOLOGIES:- Pat Barrett, Jean Hay, Amanda Pattison -Wilson, Neil Stewart,
  2. SEDERUNT:- Council Members: Mike Galleitch, Grace Stewart, Pat

Taylor, Jacqueilene Thompson, Bob Fraser, John Ferguson Public: Thorston Fret, Helen Robinson, Carol Diethe.

  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Approved by Pat Taylor seconded by Grace Stewart.
  2. MATTERS ARRISING FROM THE LAST MINUTES: There was no matters arising from the last minutes.
  3. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON: Pat Taylor proposed by Jacqueilene Thompson, seconded by Bob Fraser. Pat Taylor, elected vice chairperson.
  4. CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Chairman reported that since the last meeting no one had been in touch with him regarding this. Thorston Fret, proposed by Jacqueilene Thompson, seconded by John Ferguson. Carol Diethe proposed by Pat Taylor. Seconded by Grace Stewart, both selected as co-opted members.
  5. TREASURER'S UPDATE: Treasurer reports that change of use of banking facilities to new council now complete. Allocation of HC grant received and a balance of £2,470 reported, although several outstanding accounts have to be settled.
  6. HANGING BASKETS: It was agreed that the Community Council would purchase two hanging baskets at a cost of £50-00 together with a further watering system at £19-00.
  7. FORESHORE EFFLUENT AND LANDFILL SITE: Carol Diethe gave a brief resume on her interest in this matter and her formation of an environmental group which could take advantage of " The Land-fill Tax Credit Scheme " the next meeting is to be held at 8pm Wednesday 5th August 1998 in the Gunn Lodge where all interested are invited to attend.
  8. LOCAL GALA: It was agreed to abandon having a stall at the forthcoming Gala, but effort will be made to publish an inexpensive brochure to promote the Community Council. This will be made available free at local outlets. (Chairman.)
  9. TENNIS NETS: Nets now in situ.
  10. OUTGOING COUNCIL: Agreed as discussed at last meeting. (Treasurer.)
  11. TRAFFIC CONCERNS: No letter was sent to Army authorities as a new C.O is about to be appointed. A welcoming letter is to be sent to him and an attempt to meet with Army authorities to discuss speeding and the matters surrounding the recent beach exercise. The council will continue to lobby HC. for traffic calming measures, but due to the present financial constraints and the disruption to the roads which are expected from the Water authorities, little progress is expected this year. A private company are to send details of their traffic calming products, which will help with financial comparisons. (Secretary & Chairman.)
  12. COMMUNINCATION WITH HIGHLAND COUNCIL: Chairman reports having opened up an avenue in which to communicate with HC. via the Internet. Councillor Peacock, who is meantime on holiday, is also content to communicate via his personal e-mail. Several other sources have been identified and Highland Council are to publish there own web page in the near future.
  13. ACTIONING PRIORITIES: Chairman reports having received intimation that HC. have allocated £350 towards project of informative signs in the village. As Martin Hind (Costal Ranger) has already signs on hand to be positioned at the beach and picnic area, it was decided to concentrate on the view point at the Old School. Martin Hinds also undertook to cut the grass at the picnic area, where he wishes to mark out the ground in order to allow the shrubs and flowers which have been planted there, an opportunity to become established. Letter to be sent to roads department requesting signs for advanced notification of the picnic area and informative walk, together with information as to it's wheelchair suitability. (Thorsten.)

16. A.O.C.B.

3rd. September, 1998

  1. APOLOGIES:- Peter Peacock, Des Stewart
  2. SEDERUNT:- Council Members: Mike Galleitch, Pat Taylor, Pat Barrett, Jean Hay, Jacki Thompson, Bob Fraser, John Ferguson Dianne Johnstone, Neil Stewart, Sandra Skinner.

Public: Thorston Fret, Carol Diethe, John Kay.

  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Approved by Pat Taylor seconded by Jacki Thompson.
  2. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE LAST MINUTES: Neil Stewart shown in apologies, when in fact present. Secretary also omitted from the Sederant.
  3. N.O.S.W.A: Detailed presentation regarding forthcoming water mains replacement in Ardersier, given by Mark Connelly and Murray Drummond from NOSWA.
    Explanatory leaflet to be delivered to all householders shortly.
  4. TREASURER'S UPDATE: Outstanding invoices now settled.
  5. PROMOTIONAL BROCHURE: 150 brochures printed courtesy of Ben Jamieson, paper supplied by chairman. Further 200 printed and supplied by Scottish Judo Federation at a nominal cost of £7-00. Distributed to meeting as required and remainder to be made available through local outlets.
  6. OUTGOING COUNCIL: List of recurring members at previous council meetings now received and to be acted on. (Treasurer.)
  7. TRAFFIC CONCERNS: Chairman reports having had a meeting with 2nd. in command at Fort George. The matter concerning traffic has been noted and are on army standing orders. He was informed that the recent exercise in the bay was arranged directly from HQ. Scotland and the Black Watch regiment had no control of the scenario. With regard to the beach area, he was of the opinion that this exercise was held mainly on army property which is delegated for exercise purpose. If a possible compensation issue arises a contact address was obtained which was passed to Carol for their Environmental group to attend.

    Reply received from incoming Commander assuring of future co-operation with village.

    Brochures received from " Hazard Co. " re traffic calming measures.
  8. ACTIONING PRIORITIES: Thorsten actively pursuing possible designs, costs and permissions for signs at view point in Old School area. (Thorsten.)
  9. A.O.C.B:

1st. October, 1998.

  1. APOLOGIES:- Constable Robb, Dianne Johnstone, Jacki Thompson.
  2. SEDERUNT:- Council Members: Mike Galleitch, John Ferguson, Bob Fraser, Pat Taylor, Neil Stewart, Grace Stewart, Jean Hay, Sandra Skinner, Pat Barrett, (Peter Peacock).
    Public: Carol Diethe, John Kay. Martina Gow, H. A. Laing, Jessie Kemp, Thorsten Fret.
  3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Approved by Pat Taylor seconded by Neil Stewart.
  4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE LAST MINUTES: Grace Stewart shown as Des Stewart, date of meeting given as September instead of October.
  5. TREASURER'S UPDATE: Deferred.
  6. OUTGOING COUNCIL: Deferred.
  7. INFORMATIVE SIGNS: Budget of £600-00 agreed for installation/completion of view point marker at Old School, together with Highland Region informative signs to same. (Thorsten).
    Informative signs now in situ at Picnic area. Check to be made as to those on walk way and beach. (Carol)
  8. COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER: Steering group formed, comprising of Neil Stewart, Jean Hay, Thorsten Fret, Martina Gow, Mike Galleitch and Samantha Skinner.
  9. ACTIONING PRIORITIES: No Project yet identified for village to celebrate Millennium.
  10. AIRPORT CONSULTIVE MEETING: Pat Taylor gave informative summary of her attendance at the recent A.C. meeting and has agreed retain and operate file for this and impending issues.
  11. LITTER BIN AT SLIPWAY: Letter sent to Highland Council, awaiting reply.
  12. TRAFFIC HAZARD AT CASTLE STUART: Letter sent outlying concern.
  13. A.O.C.B:

Minutes 5th November, 1998.

  1. APOLOGIES:- Peter Peacock, Dianne Johnstone, Grace Stewart, John Ferguson, Carol Diethe, Jacki Thompson.
  2. SEDERUNT:- Council Members: Mike Galleitch, Pat Taylor, Neil Stewart, Jean Hay Public: John Kay. Martina Gow, Thorsten Fret, Anne Wilson.
  3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Approved by Pat Taylor seconded by Neil Stewart.
  5. TREASURER'S UPDATE: Deferred.
  6. OUTGOING COUNCIL: Deferred.
  7. INFORMATIVE SIGNS: On going. (Thorsten).
    Check to be made as to those on walk way and beach. (Carol)
  8. COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER: Ongoing, News package being circulated among steering group. Consideration to be given on Internet Community Site. (Mike)
  9. ACTIONING PRIORITIES: Rural transport Initiative to be investigated and application form to be submitted. (Neil)
    Lottery Community Grant Application to be investigated. (Thorsten).
    Projects yet to be identified.
  10. LATE NIGHT BUS SERVICE: Martina reports that no later bus will meantime be considered. Service is being monitored and will be reviewed at a later date depending on it's usage. She also due attention to an additional daily service being offered between Inverness and Nairn, which begins on Monday 7th November. She will publicise this in the village when promotional material is received.
  11. LAND REFORM DOCUMENT: E-mail to be sent supporting the proposals. (Mike).
  12. COUNCILLOR PEACOCK REPLIES: Mr. Peacock who is meantime in Orkney forwarded the following points by e-mail.
    a. Someone from Social Work should have briefed Mrs. Gow re the Day Centre. This was confirmed and a meeting with Highland Council members and other interested parties is arranged for 10/11/98 (Martina).
    b. The Woodlands Centre does receive Grant Aid from Highland Council Social Work. Position to be clarified from manager of Centre (Martina).
    c. The legal complexities of the Bowling Green have not been untangled and I am still pursuing this.
    d. The Chip Shop has recently been checked out for food hygiene standards, etc. and is OK - I asked that the CC be consulted on the extension to opening hours and you should have a letter on this.
    e. Council Tax were asked to phone Mrs. Laing and explain the situation as it now stood, and this has been done as far as I know.
    f. The `superloo' is regarded as more of a problem than a solution and is not recommended.
  13. MANSE ROAD FOOTPATH: Letter sent to Roads department, no reply to date.
  14. CHIP SHOP: Proprietors and Police informed of concerns. Mrs. Wilson who attended this meeting informed the council that they were attempting all that was possible to prevent the concerns, but found it difficult to attend to issues which occurred outside their premises.
    There was no objections to the request for later opening.
  15. PICNIC BENCH: Deferred.
  16. CATH'S CATS: Chairman informed council of telephone call and correspondence received from Di Mowat, 73, Ballifeary Road, Inverness, who was seeking return expense of £851.65 being the sum she had incurred in assisting Cath McCulloch re-house feral cats which were removed from a farm near Ardersier. Enquiry from out going council revealed that assistance promised from various sources had been for material, food and kind. No monetary assistance could or had been promised. Councillors present, who were involved in this matter confirmed this.
    As a result the council cannot further assist in this situation.
    Ms. McCulloch still tends these animals and anyone wishing to help, should contact her at 01463 792745.
  17. AOCB:


  • Ardersier Community Council Pages
  • are maintained by
  • Mike Galleitch
  • Ardersier Cottage, ARDERSIER, Scotland, IV1 2QN
  • Telephone: +44 (0) 1667 462237
  • Personal Homepage: Judo Junkie on Line.

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