(From GeoCities chat.) Everyone out there is probably asking "What the heck is a GeoRanger?". I'll attempt to explain as best I can for now.

The Power Rangers Geo started when I (Dr. Godzilla) got annoyed with all of these little pansy clubs that started showing up in the chat rooms. (ie. The Light Crusaders and that Delta-Beta-Prime-Omega-Cappa-Honk-Blat-Tweet-Wakka Wakka-Brvvt-PANG!! club) I wanted something to show them just how STUPID this whole I'm in the (fill in group name here) so I'm protecting the chatroom from the "Bad Things". A friend (R-Gem) came up with the idea to call us the GeoRangers and this whole thing was born.

The GeoRangers are a Group of people with above average knowledge of how the whole internet thing-a-ma-bob works.

Lately we've come into the spotlight as "those annoying hacker people". Some of us aren't quite what you'd term a "hacker". We're, mostly, just regular guys who want to have fun and try and rally as many people as possible against the CL's(Community Leaders) in the chat who have nothing better to do than to boot people who they disagree with.

Green Dino Ranger

Alrighty. I am Dr.Godzilla the Green-Dino GeoRanger, co-founder of the GeoRangers (listed below). Would you like to know the reason I chose to become a GeoRanger? Well, tough!!, I'm telling you this anyway. I became a GeoRanger because... uh... because... gee I really don't know(I'm sure I had a good reason at the time).

Becoming A GeoRanger

The rules for this are very simple. I have to have talked to you at some point and determined that you are an okay person and you have to think up an object and color that fits your personality and hasn't been used yet and send your application to me at [email protected]. The Currently active Georangers are as follows;