This site reflects my thoughts, belief's, practices and opinions. I hope that you will
learn something new from this site. However, I created this page more for myself than
for anyone else. If you learn something then it is a heartfelt reward for me to be able
to bring you knowledge. If you do not like my opinions or this site that's your choice.
It's not going to make me mad or upset me. That's why bullies call people upset
them, to make them mad or to hurt their feelings. Name calling and abusing others makes
little people with low self esteem, and few accomplishments in life feel better. They feel
it places them in a position of authority. All it does, is show the world what you really are.
So if you want to waste your time "flaming" me you will truly be wasting your time because I will
delete your E-mail, but not before forwarding a copy of it to the abuse department of your Email
Mannanan MacLlyr