Str: 13
Dex: 14
Int: 8(7 will)
HT: 16/18hp
Speed: 7.5 Initiative: 6.5 Move: 7 Dodge: 11
Orc High Pain Threshold
Toughness 2 Combat Reflexes Cool
Immune to Manic Fever
Orc Weak Will 1 Gluttony
Likes poppy seed muffins, likes big soft cooshy chairs,
stares at clouds, doesnt like lemony foods, admires fine pottery
One Handed Axe/Mace: 18
Shield: 18
Throw Axe: 15
Fast Draw Axe: 14
Running: 14
Pottery: 7
Orcish: 7(native language.. sad isnt it?)
Doran: 7
Standard Equipment
Scale armor Fine Pick
Battle Axe Torch w/continual light
Large belt pouch
10 feet string, 3 torches, personal
basics, waterskin, quart of brandy(cask), blanket, 10 yards rope
90 travelers rations
Magic Items
Shifter (shield) mp3
+1 pd
Woundshift 20 sends blocked attacks
back onto attacker
6st for first 8 damage shifted, 2st extra per 8 additional damage shifted
Bloodstone mp3
str 3
Axe mp3
+2 to hit +2 damage
As a boy Ratso lived in a small orcish village, and was
constantly tormented by bullies because he prefered the simple joy of pottery
(though he was very bad at it.. very bad) over the arts of war. As soon
as he was old enough he fled his home to make a name for himself as a great
artisan.. however as fate would have it he ended up being a sturdy warrior
instead. When faced with a more skilled or confusing foe, Ratso tends to
drop whatever he is holding and grapple his enemy.. not letting go until
his foe is incapacitated or Ratso is told otherwise.
Ratso is a solid fighter, and I often used him as filler character when I couldnt think of something else to play. Good in a fight, but not great, Ratso is very hard to take down and was often duped into playing the role of canon fodder while the more skilled characters did the real damage.
Ratso is a pre-khaost character, so if he wasnt killed
during khaost he is very, very old or died of old age.