
Str: 13                                Basic Speed: 6.75
Dex: 13                              Move: 6, 7 jumping
Int: 9                                  Dodge: 11
HT: 14                                Initiative: 5.75
Per: 10

Advantages                      Disadvantages
Buffowog                        Hunchback
Leap                               Gregarious
Catfall                             Buffowog
Amphibious                     Ugly
Nictitating Membrane       Sadistic
Oxygen Storage               Impulsive
Jumping dex+1                Insecure about Inteligence
Cast Iron Stomach
Foot long tongue             Quirks
DR+1                            Denies having a hump
Combat Reflexes            Enjoys the water
Unaging(ender)              Doesnt like the color black
Toughness 2(ender)        Doesnt like taking unnecesary risks
                                     Like to relax

Pole Arms: 18            Stealth: 12                Elvish: 9
Poisons: 15                Tactics: 9                 Leatherworking: 10
Running: 12               Acrobatics: 11
Jumping: 14               Naturalism: 7
Orcish: 8                   Herbalist: 7

Standard Equipment               Potions/Poisons
Scale Armor                           3 potions of extra healing
Fine Glaive                            Potion of Bowel Evacuation
Large Knife                           2 potions of diving
2 Water gourds                      2 unidentified potions
Vial of Light                          1 dose hellfire juice
Torque +1pd                         1 dose rusty red curare
                                            2 dose iocane powder
                                            2 dose arachnym venom
                                            1 dose anthrium
                                            6 dose nightshade powder

extra healing - 2d healing
bowel evacuation - instant and violent laxative..
diving - move in water without hinderance
hellfire juice - ht-4 or take 1d+1 damage, pain lasts 24 hours
rusty red curare - ht-2 every round, 3 successes in a row overcomes poison
                          failure results in a cumulative -2 to dex. when dex reaches 0
                          then failed ht roll results in cumulative -2 to HT (not hit points)
                          death occurs at 0 ht
iocane powder - ht-6 or take 1d damage every half hour for 24 hours
arachnym venom - ht-4 or lose 1d dex for 1 hour
anthrium - ht-5 or take 6d damage
nightshade powder - ht-2 or be paralized for 4d minutes
                              if resisted -4 dex for 2d6 minutes

Wart is an unusual buffowog in that he enjoys and even prefers being in
water. He was a soldier in a demonlords army, but after realizing what
Khaost was doing and has done to the waters of Shalor, fled his masters
to do what he could to resist Ulgezin. Wart eventualy joins a band of
adventurers which was instrumental in the defeat of Ulgezin. In the
catastrophic mana aftershock of Ulgezin's defeat, Wart gained toughness 2
and unaging. He later retired to a secluded lake in the mountains.