The Lunar Calendar

Just as each month is given a name under the Roman calendar system, so each month is attributed a moon, with the corresponding qualities under the Pagan lunar calendar system.  The calendar we use today is a solar calendar, which makes it hard to find a home for each moon, because there are actually thirteen months in the lunar calendar.  As a result, the Blue Moon is generally attributed nowadays to a few brief days between October and November.  It's significance and impact on the collective unconscious of humans remains, however, of great importance.

Below is a guide to the Pagan lunar calendar, giving the appropriate moon for each month, together with details of the correspondences of each moon.

Blue MoonNovemberDecember

January - Wolf Moon

AKA Chaste Moon, Cold Moon, Disting Moon, Moon of Little Winter, Quiet Moon, Snow Moon
Colours Black, blue-violet, brilliant white.
Herbs Holy thistle, marjoram, nuts and cones.
Flowers Crocus, snowdrop.
Scents Mimosa, musk.
Stones Chrysoprase, garnet, jet, onyx.
Trees Birch
Animals Fox
Birds Pheasant, blue jay.
Spirits Gnomes.
Deities Ch'ang-O, Freyja, Hera, Inanna, Janus, Kore, Sarasvati, Sinn.
Energies Sluggish, below the surface; beginning and conceiving.

February - Ice Moon

AKA Big Winter Moon, Horning Moon, Hunger Moon, Quickening Moon, Storm Moon, Wild Moon.
Colours Light blue, violet.
Herbs Balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage, spikenard.
Flowers Primrose.
Scents Heliotrope, wisteria.
Stones Amethyst, jasper, rock crystal.
Trees Cedar, laurel, rowan.
Animals Otter, unicorn.
Birds Eagle.
Spirits House faeries (both of home and house plants)
Deities Aphrodite, Brigid, Demeter, Diana, Juno, Kuan Yin, Persephone.
Energies Energy working toward the surface; purification, growth, healing.

March - Storm Moon

AKA Crow Moon, Lenting Moon, Moon of Winds, Plough Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, Worm Moon.
Colours Pale green, red-violet.
Herbs Broom, High John root, Irish moss, wood betony, yellow dock.
Flowers Daffodil, jonquil, violet.
Scents Apple blossom, honeysuckle.
Stones Aquamarine, bloodstone.
Trees Alder, dogwood.
Animals Boar, hedgehog.
Birds Sea crow, sea eagle.
Spirits Mer-people.  (Air and water beings, connected with spring rains and storms)
Deities Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Black Isis, Cybele, Hecate, Luna, Minerva, the Morrigan.
Energies Energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring.

April - Planter's Moon

AKA Hare Moon, Green Grass Moon, Growing Moon, Pink Moon, Planting Moon, Seed Moon.
Colours Crimson red, gold.
Herbs Basil, chives, dragon's blood, geranium, thistle.
Flowers Daisy, sweetpea.
Scents Bay, bergamot, patchouli, pine.
Stones Ruby, garnet, sard.
Trees Bay, hazel, pine.
Animals Bear, wolf.
Birds Hawk, magpie.
Spirits Plant faeries.
Deities Bast, Ceres, Hathor, Ishtar, Kali, Venus.
Energies Energy into creating and producing; return balance to the nerves.

May - Hare Moon

AKA Bright Moon, Dryad Moon, Flower Moon, Frog's Return Moon, Merry Moon, Planting Moon.
Colours Brown, green, pink.
Herbs Dittany of Crete, elder, mint, mugwort, rose, thyme, yarrow.
Flowers Broom, foxglove, lily of the valley, rose.
Scents Rose, sandalwood.
Stones Amber, carnelian, emerald, malachite.
Trees Hawthorn.
Animals Cats.
Birds Dove, swallow, swan.
Spirits Elves, faeries.
Deities Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Diana, Horned God, Maia, Pan, Venus.
Energies Full creating energy; propagation.

June - Mead Moon

AKA Honey Moon, Lover's Moon, Moon of Horses, Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Strong Sun Moon.
Colours Golden-green, orange.
Herbs Dog grass, meadowsweet, mosses, parsley, skullcap, tansy, vervain.
Flowers Lavender, orchid, yarrow.
Scents Lavender, lily of the valley.
Stones Agate, fluorite, topaz.
Trees Oak
Animals Butterfly, frog, toad.
Birds Peacock, wren.
Spirits Sylphs, zephyrs.
Deities Aine of Knockaine, Cerridwen, Green man, Ishtar, Isis, Neith.
Energies Full, yet restful, energy; protect, strengthen and prevent.

July - Hay Moon

AKA Blessing Moon, Buck Moon, Fallow Moon, Moon of Claiming, Thunder Moon, Wort Moon.
Colours Blue-grey, silver, blue-grey.
Herbs Agrimony, honeysuckle, hyssop, lemon balm.
Flowers Jasmine, lotus, water lily.
Scents Frankincense, orris.
Stones Moonstone, pearl, white agate.
Trees Acacia, ash, oak.
Animals Crab, dolphin, turtle, whale.
Birds Ibis, starling, swallow.
Spirits Faeries of harvested crops, hobgoblins.
Deities Athene, Cerridwen, Hel, Holda, Juno, Kephera, Nephthys, Venus.
Energies Relaxed energy; preparing, succeeding.

August - Corn Moon

AKA Barley Moon, Dispute Moon, Harvest Moon, Moon When Cherries Turn Black.
Colours Gold, yellow.
Herbs Angelica, bay, camomile, fennel, orange, St John's wort.
Flowers Marigold, sunflower.
Scents Heliotrope, frankincense.
Stones Carnelian, cat's eye, fire agate, jasper.
Trees Alder, cedar, hazel.
Animals Dragon, lion, phoenix, sphinx.
Birds Crane, eagle, falcon.
Spirits Dryads.
Deities Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Nemesis, Thoth.
Energies Energy into harvesting; gathering, appreciating.

September - Harvest Moon

AKA Moon When Deer Paw the Earth, Singing Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Wine Moon.
Colours Brown, yellow, yellow-green.
Herbs Copal, fennel, rye, skullcap, valerian, wheat.
Flowers Lily, narcissus.
Scents Bergamot, gardenia, mastic, storax.
Stones Chrysolite, citrine, olivine, peridot.
Trees Bay, hazel, larch.
Animals Snake.
Birds Ibis, sparrow.
Spirits Trooping faeries.
Deities Ceres, Ch'ang-O, Demeter, Freyja, Isis, Nephthys, Thoth.
Energies Rest after labour; balance of Light and Dark.

October - Blood Moon

AKA Falling Leaf Moon, Harvest Moon, Moon of the Changing Season, Shedding Moon.
Colours Dark blue-green.
Herbs Angelica, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, thyme.
Flowers Calendula, cosmos, marigold.
Scents Apple blossom, cherry, strawberry.
Stones Beryl, opal, tourmaline, turquoise.
Trees Acacia, cypress, yew.
Animals Elephant, ram, scorpion, stag.
Birds Crow, heron, robin.
Spirits Frost faeries, plant faeries.
Deities Astarte, Demeter, Hathor, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore.
Energies Letting go; inner cleansing.  Karma and reincarnation  Justice and balance.  Inner harmony.

27 Oct to 1 Nov - Blue Moon

AKA Ancestor Moon, Hunter's Moon, Hunting Moon, Moon of the Dead.
Colours Black, white, purple.
Herbs Ginger, hops, hyssop, mugwort, nutmeg, patchouli, star anise.
Flowers Chrysanthemum, dahlia, white lily.
Scents Dragon's blood, lilac, pine, rosemary, wisteria.
Stones Obsidian, onyx.
Trees Cypress, elder, pine, yew.
Animals Bat, dog, snake, sow, wolf.
Birds Falcon, owls, raven
Spirits Banshees.
Deities Cailleach, Cerridwen, Circe, Cybele, Freyja, Hel, Holda, Horned God.
Energies Release, remember; communication with the dead.  Prophecy.

November - Snow Moon

AKA Dark Moon, Fog Moon, Mad Moon, Moon of Storms, Mourning Moon
Colours Grey, sea-green.
Herbs Betony, blessed thistle, borage, cinquefoil, verbena.
Flowers Chrysanthemum
Scents Cedar, cherry blossoms, hyacinth, lemon, narcissus, peppermint.
Stones Lapis Lazuli, topaz.
Trees Alder, cypress.
Animals Scorpion, unicorn.
Birds Goose, owl, sparrow.
Spirits Subterranean faeries.
Deities Bast, Black Isis, Hecate, Kali, Osiris.
Energies Take root, prepare.

December - Oak Moon

AKA Big Winter Moon, Cold moon, Moon of Long Nights, Wolf Moon.
Colours Blood red, white and black
Herbs English ivy, fir, holly, mistletoe.
Flowers Holly, poinsettia.
Scents Frankincense, lilac, myrrh, patchouli, rose geranium, violet.
Stones Peridot.
Trees Fir, holly, pine.
Animals Bear, deer, horse, mouse.
Birds Robin, rook, snowy owl.
Spirits Spirits Snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries.
Deities Athene, Fates, Hathor, Hecate, Minerva, Norns, Osiris.
Energies To endure, die, be reborn; Earth tides turning.

©Caitlin, 2000