It has, I confess, taken me some time to get around to writing this piece, but sufficient nagging has convinced me that, just because I find the other articles I write more interesting, it doesn't necessarily mean everyone shares my view! So, where to begin on telling you a little more about myself?
Well, I suppose it's only right and proper that I should begin at the beginning. Well, close to it anyway! I first met my patron deity at the age of six, although it was to be a while after that before I learnt he was a God. By this stage, I had already formally devoted my life to him, not that I think I really had much choice in the matter!
The in joke with my family is that I reached adulthood somewhere around the age of three, although the joke contains a fair amount of truth. Blessed as I have been with a strong calling from an early age, sacrifices have been made, and childhood was one of them. Or, I should say, the innocence of childhood, because I am also blessed with a wonderful mother who gave me the best start in life she possibly could. To this day, I am honoured to count her as my dearest friend, and it is also thanks to her that I learnt a love and respect for the old crafts at a young age.
And so, whilst my contemporaries were playing with Cindy dolls and dressing up, I was learning to spin, die and knit or weave wool, to cook, to sew... I even learnt the basics of creating and using my own bow and arrows, and how to block and parry with a quarter staff! Meanwhile, I was also intuitively learning natural law.
By the time I was hurtling towards my teenage years, I was already adept in energy work of various forms, together with being fully conversant with the use of pendulums and ouija boards, and understanding the basic make up of dragon/ley lines in the area where I lived. I was also perhaps a little too adept at the art of kindling sacred needfires using a glass lens, but that's another story! All this made for a highly entertaining response from my R.E. teacher when asked in the first year of secondary school to write an essay on my spiritual beliefs and experiences!
My learning progressed throughout the years, both through intuitive learning, studying and teachers appearing in various forms whenever I had need for them. I swiftly learnt too of other's fear of that which I knew, but fortunately even the harshest bullying didn't seem to deter me from my course; if anything it merely strengthened my resolve.
And so we come to the woman I am now. Professionally, I'm a fully trained office manager, although I lack the love of it required to make it a career, and am presently looking towards retraining. Amongst my skills are music, dance, theatre, cinema, creative writing (both poetry and prose), art, needlework (tapestry and sewing), calligraphy, herblore, tarot, complimentary medicine... the list could go on, as I tend to apply myself only to that which I have a love for which is, after all, the best way to learn.
Hopefully this provides at least a brief insight
in to who I am, although to write a full account would probably take a
website in it's own right! Perhaps, at least, it will satisfy those
who wished to know a little more about me?!
©Caitlin, 2000