Automata tools

PROTEUM/FSM (Program Testing Using Mutants)

Jose Maldonado and Dr. Marcio Delamaro of the University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos in Brazil.

website not identified

Verification, Validation, and Testing

FSM-based Test Sequence Generator (TSG 3.0).

University of Ottawa, Hasan Ural et al

CS,DS generation.

Not available

also se Mocha model checker

The Assertion Based Testing Tool: ADL2

Open Group

ADL, or the Assertion Definition Language, is a formal grammar for describing the behavior of interfaces. Assertions are written as a description of how the function behavior is affected by the input state, and the resulting changes on the output state.

Unix. Free (Open Source tm).

Autolink - Automatic Test Generation from SDL Specification

Institute for Telematics (aslo SAMSTAG tool etc)

SDL is a CEFSM language.(for TAU)


(an SDL test generator from Object Geode SDL tool of Telelogic)

Automatic Test Generation from Formal Specifications

Dr. Paul E. Black

An mutant based test generation by modelchecker project. Free download.


IBM (Haifa)

Developing, executing and organizing function tests directed against Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and software protocols written in Java, C or C++. GOTCHA is the tool kit's engine for generating an abstract test suite for a finite state machine (FSM) driven by a coverage model. The finite state machine is described in a high level language for modeling concrete systems.

Côte de Resyste

University of Twente (UT) and Eindhoven University of Technology (also a stochastic modelcheker)

A project related to test generation. Free download of a ConfCase case study.

FSM Library


General-purpose finite-state machine software tools.
Minimization, determinization, projections, products etc on weighted automata and traducers

C library and utilities

Unix, C API

Free for non-commercial use

The FSM library is a set of general-purpose software tools available for Unix, for building, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state acceptors and transducers. Finite-state transducers are automata for which each transition has an output label in addition to the more familiar input label. Weighted acceptors or transducers are acceptors or transducers in which each transition has a weight as well as the input or input and output labels. Generality: to support the representation and use of the various information sources in speech recognition

Modularity: to allow rapid experimentation with different representations

Efficiency: to support competitive large-vocabulary recognition using automata of

more than 10 million states and transitions.

The mathematical foundation of the library is the theory of rational power series, which

supplies the semantics for the objects and operations and creates opportunity for

optimizations such as determinization and minimization.

Intergrated with the free visualization tool

Graphviz - open source graph drawing software

FSA Utilities toolbox:

Gertjan van Noord
Vakgroep Alfa-informatica & BCN
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

a collection of utilities to manipulate finite-state automata and finite-state transducers.

SICStus Prolog

free (GNU General Public License)

Manipulations include determinization (both for finite-state acceptors and finite-state

transducers), minimization, composition, complementation, intersection, Kleene closure, etc. Furthermore, various visualization tools are available to browse finite-state automata. The toolbox is implemented in SICStus Prolog.

Xerox Finite-State Compiler

Xerox MLTT team

transforms a regular expression into the minimal epsilon-free deterministic automate

(3 min limit) web application. Web pages of other Xerox FSM tools are not identified.

The Edinburgh Speech Tools Library

Centre for Speech Technology Research at the University of Edinburgh.


Distributed within Festival Speech Synthesis Tool 1.4.0 (free)

Ptolemey II

Department of EECS, UC Berkeley

Ptolemy II is a set of Java packages supporting heterogeneous, concurrent modeling and design. Allows visualization/modeling hierarchical extended finite state machine, hybrid machines, CSP, dataflow etc. Graph-theoretic manipulations.

free download

Flap/JFlap (Formal Languages and Automata Package),

Susan H. Rodger, Dan Caugherty, Mark LoSacco, David Harrison, and Greg Badros.

an educational tool for designing and simulating several variations of finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines. FLAP and other tools are available via anonymous ftp. he Java version of FLAP, is now available (Aug. 1999). New features in 3.1 include regular expressions, including conversions of regular expressions to NFA, and DFA to regular expressions. New features from 3.0 include several conversions from onerepresentation to another. The conversions are nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) to deterministic finite automaton (DFA), DFA to minimum state DFA, NFA to regular grammar, regular grammar to NFA, nondeterministic pushdown automaton (NPDA) to context-free grammar (CFG), and three algorithms for CFG to NPDA. Two of the CFG to NPDA conversions are useful in studying LL and LR parsing. In addition, you can now slide the labels along the arcs and stretch the loops (grab the dot on top) for more room. To get on the JFLAP mailing list for notices, send email to [email protected].

DAG-O-Bert: A Tool for Designing and Profiling Finite-State Automata,

Olivier Baby

Specification of NFA with an elegant high level language (augmented FSM), which supports hierarchical constructs and type definition.
Innovative visualization and analysis of executions of an input sequence.


A graphical tool for designing CSM automata

The Institute of Computer Science Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology,

Warsaw University of Technology.

Composing flat and hierarchical automata,
drawing states, assigning state's name, product and description,
drawing transitions between states, assigning transition's name, condition and description,
drawing nested automaton-states, specifying plug-in and plug-out states,
connecting transitions to nested automaton's plug states,
printing automaton, copy&paste states and transitions,
copying subset of states to clipboard as CXL text,
drag&drop states and transitions,
view and change automaton formulas,
support for CXL language.

free download

The Finite State Machine Explorer

a third year undergraduate project (1995-6)


a third year undergraduate project (1995-6)


Interactive Graph Drawing

Úlfar Erlingsson, in collaboration with Mukkai Krishnamoorthy.

a Java-based system for doing interactive graph drawing on the WWW, inspired by Arthur van Hoff's early GraphLayout Java

demonstration applet

The Formal Languages Environment AUTOMATA

Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione

Università degli Studi di Milano

Maria Alberta Alberti

AUTOMATA is a tool for modelling automata and experimenting with
grammars. The environment deals with:
finite state automata - FSA, both deterministic and non deterministic
push-down automata - PDA, both deterministic and non deterministic
finite state transducers, Moore and Mealy machines
grammars regular expressions pattern matching, a module to generate automata given a pattern
matching problem. It provides the visualisation of some important algorithms, such as the
transformation of non deterministic automata into deterministic ones or the
minimisation. The automata are defined by entering their state diagram in a
graphic editor or by giving a grammar. An example of a finite state
automaton, accepting strings of even number of a's and b's, and its
equivalent regular grammar.

Interactive Animation Of FSA

Tom Dunn

Deus ex Machina

Nick Savoiu

Animation/simulation FSA, Linear-Bounded Automata, Pushdown-Stack, Register, Turing and Vector Machines

Automata Research Tool


Saratov State University (MS DOS)

CGI (www)


Strong connection for automata
Automaton graph and its connected components visualization
Automorphism group
Congruence lattice
Tolerance lattice
Subautomata lattice
Save information about automata into Database and restore from it
Compatible linear orderes

ASSIST: A Simple Simulator for State Transitions


Master thesis


Laurent Chéno

La bibliothèque autograph vous permet de manipuler des automates finis.
Remarque : elle utilise init_vect, de la version 0.74 de Caml Light.
Que vous pouvez diffuser et utiliser librement à condition de joindre le fichier lisezmoi à votre distribution.


Michel Quercia

Utilitaires pour manipuler des arbres, graphes et automates en Caml-Light parallele

A Tree Automata Library

an OCaml library

RXan interpreter for Rational Tree Languages

RX is a system that knows about regular tree grammars, finite tree automata, and rational tree expressions. You may feed some regular tree grammars to my RX interpreter and do some computations. See the online examples, and edit.

The Java Computability Toolkit (JCT)

contains a pair of graphical environments for creating and simulating NFAs, DFAs, and high level Turing Machines. JCT is written in 100% Java and makes heavy use of the new JFC Swing components. It is designed to run as an

application or applet on any platform supporting either:

...1. ...JDK 1.2
...2. ...JDK 1.1.7 and Swing 1.1.
3. JDK 1.1.7 (or lower) and Swing 1.0.3 (or lower)
..4.... Java Plugin w/ either 1.1.x or 1.2 JRE (if run in Applet mode)

When JDK1.2 compliant browsers are released plugin instalation will not be required to run JCT as an applet.

Finite Automata Environment: The Finite Automata Environment allows a user to create and simulate multiple NFAs and DFAs in cascading
internal windows.
The following unary operations are allowed on FAs:
Convert To DFA, Minimize, Complement, Kleene Star.
The following binary operations are allowed on FAs:
Intersection, Concatenation, Union.
The Finite Automata Environment also features:
Compute on a given input: Types in a string and send it to the NFA/DFA for computation. If the string is accepted a list is generated
Displaying the transitions used in the (or one of the) optimum [shortest] acceptance path.
Trace acceptance path. If a string is accepted as the result of a Compute the user can choose to graphically walk through each configuration
of the optimum acceptance path taken.
A Graph Representation.can be generated of any DFA or NFA.
Transition Grouping. Transitions which have the same "from" and "to" states are grouped together to reduce screen clutter. Each transition
is separated into its own boxe and can be removed or modified without affecting other members of the group.
Moveable Transitions. Each transition group can be automatically positioned by JCT or manually positioned by the user.
Printing. Grabs an image of the current Finite Automata and prints it along with Author info.
Undo. One level of undo.
Save and Load. Finite Automata can be saved and loaded locally.

The Glace System

The goal of the Glace is the simulation/visualization of automata networks. The automata (nodes) can be whatever: particles, atoms, molecules, neurons, electronic components, widgets, computers, X clients/server, people, ...

Glace can be also used as an universal easy to use 2D/3D drawing and presentation tool.


The visalisation is done in 3d using Mesa (OpenGL API).
User programmed function/visualization is done in C++, the resulting shared object can be dynamically loaded into glace.
Offscreen buffer selection mechanism is used for handling of the mouse events (based on OSMesa). Every object of arbitrary complex shape under
arbitrary transformation can receive mouse and keyboard events (is widget in window terminology). This mechanism gives 3d interactivity a new
meaning. Multiple camera support, each with different lighting and OpenGL model.

C++, Linux (i386).


Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Grail is a symbolic computation environment for finite-state machines, regular expressions, and other formal language theory objects. Using Grail, one can input machines or expressions, convert them from one form to the other, minimize, make deterministic, complement, and perform many other operations. Grail is intended for use in teaching, for research into the properties of machines, and for efficient computation with machines. Grail is written in C++. It can be accessed either through a process library or through a C++ class library. Version 2.4 of Grail enables you to manipulate parameterizable finite-state machines and regular expressions. By `parameterizable', we mean that the alphabet is not restricted to the usual twenty-six letters and ten digits. Instead, all algorithms are written in a type-independent manner, so that any valid C++ base type and any user-defined type or class can define the alphabet of a finite-state machine or regular expression. Version 2.4 of Grail supports Mealy machines.

msdos/unix/mac and others

free for non-commercial use

There is an ongoing project on test generation with Grail.

Another Finite State Machine Simulator (EH9-1)

Another Finite State Machine Simulator java application is a tool designed to aid students in learning how FSM and NFA work. The students create a description of a FSM in a textfile which is read by the program. The main program runs in graphics mode. There is text mode option which allows for easy grading. Examples of FSM and DFA machines based on Hopcroft and Ullman's text are included.

Finite State Machine Simulator by Kyril Faenov

State Machine Simulator allows user to edit in a drag-and-drop fashion a finite state machine and simulate, step-by-step its execution with specified input string of tokens. It allows 10 states and 26 different tokens.

SIMFSM - Finite State Machine Simulator

SIMFSM is a Finite State machine Simulator developed by ESNG-DIBE University of Genoa for learning purposes.

SIMFSM runs under Windows 3.1, Windows 98, Windows NT 4 and Windows 95.


TM simulator


Software Model Construction for Finite-state machines.. Bridging the semantic gap between FSM and non-finite-state software systems (Java).

InVeSt (Invariants Verification System)

VERIMAG (see also TGV, IF), Univ. of Kiel, SRI

Name: InVeSt

Main Functionalities: Verification of invariance properties of infinite state systems
Derived Functionalities:
Automatic generation of invariants
Compositional computation of abstractions
Reachability analysis of lossy communicating systems


Parameterized systems Abstracted and eXplored

PAX is a tool that allows to verify parameterized networks of finite state processes.


A Tool for Reachability Analysis of CompleX Systems

Paris 7

Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications

TReX is a tool for the analysis of systems having infinitely many configurations by using generic reachability semi-algorithms on symbolic representation of configurations. The kind of infinite systems which can be actually analyzed using TReX are extended automata with variables of heterogeneous types: clocks, counters, booleans, and enumerations. The variables may be assigned or compared with parameters, i.e., uninstantiated variables. The automata may communicate by unbounded lossy FIFO-channels and shared variables. For this kind of systems, TReX may either verify on-the-fly a safety property or generate the symbolic finite graph of the reachable configurations.

The current version of TReX is developed in C++ by Aurore Annichini at VERIMAG and Mihaela Sighireanu at LIAFA.

TREAT: Timed REachability Analysis Tool


Karel Culik

an applet that allows to draw a diagram of an automaton and immediately shows the images corresponding to each state (image compressing)

also GWFA

Generalized Weighted Finite Automata Based Image Compression,


University of Montreal.

see ECVALIPTUS toolset

Trace analysis: It is possible to verify whether a given trace (ecesution sequence) can be obtained from a LOTOS description. This allows the validation
of test suites and their verdicts with respect to a LOTOS description representing the system under test.
The generated or minimized LTS models can be displayed graphically (i.e. in postscript) and edited. These BCG_Draw and BCG_Edit tools are part of the CADP toolset developed in Verimag. Another tool, called VISCOPE and developed at IRISA (Rennes), is also integrated and allows

3D visualization of graphs.

Java FSM editor of WELD web based electronic desigh


CADP:Caesar/Aldebaran Development Package

inria (see inria site for other FM projects)

Conformance relation checking/minimisation v.r.t multiple relations.

FSM, CFSM, Lotos.
Model checking etc,
free for non commercial use


Carnegie-Melon Univercity - School of Computer Science

model checking

free for research

SyMP .

Carnegie-Melon Univercity - School of Computer Science

is our new tool that combines model checking and theorem proving in a single framework

Verus (real time)

Carnegie-Melon Univercity - School of Computer Science

Verus allows the formal specification and verification of real-time and other time critical systems. Free (for research)

Bounded Model Checker: BMC

Carnegie-Melon Univercity - School of Computer Science
free for research

a ModelChecker for Stochastic Automata

David Akehurst, Howard Bowman, Jeremy Bryans, and John Derrick

Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, December 2000. (the manual)

COSPAN (COordinated SPecification ANalysis)

R. Kurshan and others, AT T Bell Laboratories

Prototyping. CFSM (language containment) verification based on BDD

free for educational use. selection/resolution language.


A tool for model checking Duration Calculus Formulae

Paritosh Pandya

Quantified Discrete-time Duration Calculus (QDDC). For every formula D, we

construct a finite state automaton A(D) precisely accepting the finite state sequences satisfying D. The automaton can be used to find models and counter models, or as a synchronous observer (or monitor) for model checking.

EST - efficient symbolic tools

Robert Meolic

Tatjana Kapus

Ale¡ s ¡ Casar

Mirjam Sepesy Mau¡ cec

Zmago Brezo¡ cnik

University of Maribor

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia

free (Gnu licence)


Delft University of Technology an

model checking, simulation, and visualization of timed automata


MEIJE – a joint researche grope of INRIA and Ecole des Mines/CMA (see also XEVE)

The FC2Tools package, together with its graphical editor Autograph, is a forerunner amongst softwares dealing with model-based, automatic verificationof distributed communicating systems.

HyTech: The HYbrid TECHnology Tool

Thomas A. Henzinger

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

University of California at Berkeley

Hybrid automata on fly model checker

Graphics from Uppal

VERSA: Verification Execution and Rewrite System for ACSR

Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania

To facilitate the use of the Algebra of Communicating Shared Resources (ACSR) in the design and analysis of real-time systems we have developed an
integrated set of tools called VERSA (Verification, Execution and Rewrite System for ACSR). VERSA supports three types of analysis techniques:
1.Application of rewriting rules to ACSR specifications to deduce system properties.
2.Construction of a state machine and automatic exploration and analysis of the state space to verify safety properties and test equivalence of
3.Interactive execution of the process specification to explore specific system behaviors and sample the execution traces of the system.

PROD 3.3.09

An Advanced Tool for Efficient Reachability Analysis

Kimmo Varpaaniemi, Keijo Heljanko and Johan Lilius

Helsinki University of Technology, Digital Systems Laboratory

T/Petri net reachablity analysis. Supports verification of CTL properties from the reachability graph, and on-the-fly verification of LTL-properties. Textual.

Free, registration is requied

also Emma (TNSDL) analysis

The PEP Tool (Programming Environment based on Petri Nets)


SDL, CFSM -> petri nets

free for non commercial use

PEP2 will be open source soon

is a comprehensive set of modelling, compilation, simulation and verification components, linked together within an Tcl/Tk-based graphical user interface.
PEP's modelling components facilitate the design of parallel systems by parallel programs (B(PN)^2 and SDL), interacting
finite automata, process algebra, or high-level/low-level Petri nets.
PEP's compilers generate Petri nets from such models.
PEP's simulators allow automatic or user-driven simulation of high-level / low-level nets and may trigger simulation of the
corresponding programs and/or a 3D model.
PEP's verification component contains various Petri net indigenous algorithms to check, e.g., reachability properties and
deadlock-freeness, as well as verification algorithms. We mention Esparza's partial order based model checker, and
interfaces to
the INA package (offering structural analysis - invariants, etc. - as well as stubborn set and symmetrically reduced
state space analysis),
the FC2Tools (offering verification based on networks of automata),
SMV (offering BDD based CTL model checking) and
SPIN (offering LTL model checking with optional partial order reductions).
The PEP tool can be considered as an open platform. Further algorithms can be integrated in the user interface easily.

The COQ Proof Assistant



Java Pathfinder


Java model checker. SVC automatic theorem-prover is used for abstraction.
Available for beta testers and project collaborators.

The ToolBus Application Architecture

The ToolBus is a software application architecture developed at the University of Amsterdam and the CWI. The ToolBus utilizes a scripting language based on process algebra to describe the communication between software tools. A ToolBus script describes a number of processes that can communicate with each other and with tools living outside the ToolBus. A language-dependent adapter that translates between the internal ToolBus data format and the data format used by the individual tools makes it possible to write every tool in the language best suited for the task(s) it has to perform.

Statemate MAGNUM



Windows, Solaris, HP/UX



Statecharts visualization, animation, C code generation.

Stateflow is an interactive design tool for modeling and simulating complex event-driven systems. Tightly integrated with Simulink® and MATLAB®, Stateflow lets you design embedded systems that contain supervisory logic. A combination of graphical modelingand animated simulation brings system specification and design closer together.

Commercial, 30-day free trial. Price varies on the usage.



a FSM CASE tool

commercial/GNU general public license (in the same time)

To do list

To find webpages :

AGL, AMORE, Automate, FADELA, FinITE, FireLite, INR, MONA, Turing's World, FANCY, and the Fire Engine.

model checkers


SPIN [Hol91], and VFSMvalid [FHS95]

Kronos , and UppAal , Winston, EMC, Auto

Disco, CMC, UPPAAL, Xeve(Inris)

Also to

check inria, verymag and other groups we know.



Tools from VERIMAG

(content of the page:)

Synchronous Languages and Reactive systems

Tools distributed by the team Distributed and Complex Systems Tools distributed by the team Timed and Hybrid Systems INRIA TOOLS

Numerous free (and free for non research use) tool including

Finite-State Software at JHU CS: Getting Started (HOWTO)

This tutorial page should help you get started with the 3 different finite-state packages we have installed:

FSA Utilities

XFST: Xerox Finite-State Tool

FSM: AT&T finite-state library

Finite-state machine software, products, and projects

A FSM product list from Grail+ creators

Verification tool list

(Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)

Model checking links

provides links to the following

Academic Tools: HyTech, Kronos, MONA, Murphi, PEP, PROD, RAVEN, TREAT, TVS, SPIN, STEP, SMV, SMC, UPPAAL, Verus , Vis

Commercial Tools: CheckOff-M, FormalCheck, NP-Tools, PropertyProver, Temporal-Rover.


SDL Forum

A site devoted to SDL - Specification and Description Language standardized as ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Recommendation Z.100. Language is based on the CEFSM concept. Link to tool for SDL verification, testing, etc are presented.


Tools for Abstract State Machines (former evolving algebra of Gurevich) development, validation, visualization etc.

Selected Conferences:

Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata


International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques and Workshop on Verification of Parameterized Systems

(Sattelites of ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming)

Other FM, model-checking, Discrete Mathematics, and Theoretical CS conferences may be relevant