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Dr Julian Bashir

Julian Bashir

Julian Bashir was born in 2341.

From the early age of 5 Julian was interested in medicine after stitching the leg back on a teddy bear.

Even at six Julian was small for his age and not very smart. Just before his 7th birthday the Bashir family went to Adigeon Prime to have an illegal medical procedure performed on Julian. They had him genetically enhanced. A process outlawed by the Federation but perfectly legal in other civilizations.

After the genetic re-sequencing Julian became a star pupil. But as he grew he began to resent his parents, believing they were ashamed of him before his enhancement.

With genetic enhancement being illegal the family would have to keep it a secret for the rest of their lives.

At around 2359 Julian entered Starfleet Academy. In his medical subjects he came top in Pediatrics.

On graduation from the Academy in 2367 Julian finished 2nd in his class overall. This gave him the choice of practically any position in Starfleet.

He chose to practice medicine on a new remote outpost in the Bajoran sector. He travels to Deep Space Nine. A space station orbiting the planet Bajor. A planet recovering from 50 years of occupation by the Cardassians. The Bajoran government has asked Starfleet to administrate the station for them.

In 2371 at 30 Bashir became the youngest person to be unusually nominated for the prestigious "Carrington Award. Unusually because the award is normally given in response to a lifetimes work.

In 2373 Bashir work and reputation has grown to a point where he's chosen to be the new template for the new "Long term medical hologram". The designer of the programme is Dr Lewis Zimmerman and he comes to DS9 to gain the data he requires. In the process he discovers Bashir was enhanced as a child and informs Starfleet.

Julians father takes responsibility for the enhancement and spends 2 years in a minimum security prison.

Starfleet accept Julian did nothing wrong and he is allowed to continue he career.

Julians hobbies include playing darts, racket ball, tennis and acting out holosuit programmes. He has a friend Felix who is a holo engineer and he sends him programmes from time to time. One of Julians favourites is about a British secret agent called "Julian Bashir" in the year 1964. He generally uses this programme on his own, but visits the holosuits a lot with Chief O'Brien. They recreate various ancient battles, ranging from the Battle of the Alamo to the Battle of Britain. One of his weirdest programmes would have to be the one about Vic Fontaine. Vic is a Casino lounge singer in the mid 20th century

(What makes this weird your thinking?)

Vic is no ordinary hologram. He knows he's a hologram and on 1 occasion he describes himself as "A collection of photons and force fields" (Basically a technical term for a hologram). He's also able to change things within the programme environment. Like making an audience appear or delete characters.

His other talents include being able to open an outside Com Channel.

And transfer his matrix to another holosuit programme.

Most of Julians colleagues become close friends with Vic.

Now that his genetic stasis is in the open Julian does some work with a group of Mutants (a term for people with the following problems) living in an institution on Earth. They are 4 enhanced people who've suffered major side effects of their enhancements making some of them paranoid and violent. But in spite of this they are still geniuses. Julian hopes to eliminate their side effects but he fails. After they've left DS9 Julian aspires to find a solution to their condition.

Julian has many friends on DS9. His closest is Chief Miles O'Brien. Strange because when they 1st met O'Brien didn't really like Bashir and went out of his way to avoid him. After his arrival on DS9 and in the coming years the 2 men become the closest of friends. Maybe even to the point of feeling like brothers.

Another of Julians friends is the stations tailor Elim Garek. They 1st meet in 2370. Garek is a Cardassian, the only one to remain on the station after the Cardassians withdraw from Bajor. He runs a shop on the promonard. Everyone and especially Julian believe Garek to be a spy still working for the Cardassian Central Command. Eventually they become friends and have lunch together at least once a week.

While serving on DS9 Julian has a number of relationships. On his way to DS9 Julian met Jadzia Dax. He attempts to get a date with her straight away. Julians attraction to her always remains but over the years they serve together they become friends and nothing really happens between them.

Some of his more notable relationships are:

With Leeta, a Bajoran Dabo girl working in Quarks bar.

Another with Sirina Douglas one of the Mutants who Bashir cures.

Julians next big love is for Ezri Tegan. Ezri receives the Dax symbiont after Jadzia Dax is attacked by Gul Dukat and she dies. The Dax symbiont is saved though and Ezri Tegan becomes its new host.

Ezri Dax and Julian become good friends and eventually lovers.

Bashirs first encounter with the Dominion is in 2370. In the coming years he takes part in many battles with Dominion troops.

Bashirs oath as a Dr and his loyalty to Starfleet often conflict with each other. In 2372 Bashir and O'Brien crash on a planet and are captured by a group of Jem Hadar. (The Dominions genetically made troops)

The are a renegade group and want to free themselves of an addiction to the drug Ketracel White. (The Founders of the Dominion have made all Jem Hadar addicted to this drug in order to control them)

One of the Jem Hadar crashed on the planet and freed himself on the drug. And he now believes there's something significant about the planet.

Bashir does his best to find out what but fails. He and O'Brien are forced to flee the planet when the remaining Jem Hadar go mad through withdrawal symptoms due to a lack of Ketracel White.

Bashir encounters the Dominion again in 2373. While at a medical conference he is kidnapped and sent to Dominion Internment Camp 371.

(A Changling imposter is sent back to DS9, so no one knows what has happened to the real Bashir)

At the camp are a number of Romulans, a Breen and a Klingon General called Martok. (Who's changling imposter was instrumental in starting a war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire)

Also imprison in the camp is Enabran Tain. The Cardassian who lead the attack on the Founders home planet.

They are rescued by Worf and Garek and while returning to DS9 they contact the station and the Changing Bashir is exposed.

At the end of the Dominion / Federation war Bashir remains on DS9 with his new love Ezri Dax. But he has to say goodbye to his closest friend Miles, who's returning to Earth to teach at Starfleet academy.

Other significant events in Julians life so far:

He witnesses the Dominions first offence against the Federation.

Examines the only infant Jem Hadar encountered by the Federation.

In the same year he suffers a Lethean Telepathic attack and survives. Unusuall as most Lethean attacks are FATAL.

Bashir stops a severely depressed Miles O'Brien from committing suicide.

Along with the crew of the Defiant Julian travels back in time to stop the assassination of James Kirk.

Section 31 an autonomous intelligence service within the Federation attempts to recruit Bashir.