Beverley Crusher
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In 2324 Beverly Howard was born. After her mother died she was raised by her grandmother, Felisa Howard. They were both Arvada III when a disaster occurred leaving Felisa and Beverly to learn the healing properties of roots and herbs once the medical supplies ran out.

In 2342 Beverly entered Starfleet Academy. During her time there in 2348 she meets and marries Jack Crusher. A year after their marriage they had a son and named him Wesley.

In 2350 Beverly Crusher graduated from the Academy.

In 2354, 6 years into their marriage Jack dies while serving on the USS Stargazer Captained by Jean Luc Picard. Despite this tragedy Beverly continued her career

In 2364 The now Dr Crusher is assigned to the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D. Under Captain Picard. Picard, thinking Crusher holds him responsible for her husbands death agrees to approve a transfer. But Beverly tells him she holds no malice towards him.

Not only does Beverly have a flare for medicine but it seems she also has a flare for drama. In 2367 Beverly directs and performs in a production of Cyrano de Bergerac.

And continues this in 2368 with The Pirates of Penzance.

In 2369 she writes 2 productions of her own called "Something for breakfast" and "Frame of Mind".