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Deanna TroiCounsellor Deanna Troi

Born in 2336.

Deanna Troi is half human and half Betazoid. Her father, Ian Andrew Troi was a Starfleet officer and her mother, Lwaxanna Troi a some what import Betazoid female. As noted by her numerous titles.

Deanna was born on Betazed in 2336 and had a happy childhood. That happiness was interrupted when she was seven with the death of her father. When she was old enough Deanna decided to study psychology. A skill well suited for a Betazoids as they are telepathic. Deanna's abilities however vary. Being only half Betazoid she can only sense emotions and a persons intentions (whether their lying etc).

In 2355 Deanna enters Starfleet Academy . In 2364 she accepts a posting as ships counsellor on the USS Enterprise. (Click here for a Picture) She quickly proves to be a valued member of the crew. Although Troi is a Lt Commander she rarely can be seen in uniform and is always reffered to as Counsellor or Deanna.
Just a year into her tour of duty Deanna has a strange experience when she's impregnated by a noncorporeal life form that's seeking to learn more about humanity. The Child is born and grows at an advanged rate. Eventually dying in Troi's arms.
In 2370 after her Starfleet Academy , graduating Class reunion Deanna decides she wants a taste of command as decides to try for promotion. This involves taking the Starfleet Bridge Officers Examination. The Exam consists of several tests all of which she passes (eventually) and shes promoted to Full commander.

On board the Enterprise is a former lover of Deanna's, Commander William Riker. The two met and fell in love when Deanna was studying in Betazed. But when Will got a posting off planet they had planned to meet up six months later. They never did. The two former lovers remain VERY close friends and relish their time spend together.

In 2370 Deanna embarks on a short lived relationship with the Enterprises Security Chief (then) Lt Worf.

Deanna has many friends of the Enterprise . She enjoys doing exercise classes with Beverley Crusher. She is also a member one of the crews many (I'm sure) poker group of: Deanna, Will Riker, Data, Geordi, Worf and Beverley.

If Deanna has any weaknesses it would have to be.. Chocolate. Shes addicted to it. And can often be found in Ten Forward indulging in her addiction.

In 2372 Deanna transfers to The Enterprise E. (Click here for a Picture) A year later she travels back in time and helps locate Zefram Cochrane (The inventor of Warp on Earth)