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William T Riker

Commander William T Riker

William Riker was born on the 19th August 2335 in the Alaskan City of Valdez on Earth.

In 2337 his mother died leaving his Father, Kyle Riker to raise him. His Father had a competitive

approach to Wills upbringing and this caused much friction between them.

At the age of 18 in 2353 Riker was admitted to Starfleet Academy. On graduation he was 8th in his class.

At 21 Rikers 1st assignment was helmsmen of the prototype ship The USS Pegasus NCC 53847. The Pegasus was performing tests on a Federation Cloaking device. (An illegal action in accordance with the Romulan/Federation Treaty of Algeron. A treaty that stipulated that the Federation would not develope cloaking technology).

The bulk of the Pegasus crew, Lead by the ships 1st Officer mutinied against the Captain when they considered him to be putting the ship in jeopardy.

Will, just 7 months after leaving the Academy stood by his Captain. After a phaser battle Captain Pressmen, Riker and a few other crew managed to flee in an escape pod. A few minutes later the Pegasus exploded and was presumed destroyed.

During an inquire into the incident the Judge Advocate thought the surviving crew were deliberately withholding vital information back and further investigations be made. But the inquire was classified and buried with no more investigations being made.

Over the next 3 years Will continued to gain valuable experience and was rewarded with the rank of Lt.

His next major posting was on the Planet Betazed in 2361. While there Riker met and fell in love with Deanna Troi, a half human half Betzoid. Wills posting came to an end and the 2 planned to re-unite 6 months later. But Wills assignment to the USS Potempkin brought about a career path that didn't leave much time for a personal life and the pair never met again until their joint posting to the Federation Flag ship the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D.

After a spell on the Potempkin Riker was transferred to the USS Hood. And was promoted to 1st Officer. Also at this point he was offered command of the USS Drake, but he turned it down in favour of becoming Executive Officer to Captain Jean Luc Picard on the USS Enterprise. Picard selected Riker over 50 other candidates for the post. As 1st officer Riker leads most away missions and considers the safety of the crew, especially the Captains to be his personal responsibility.

When the Enterprise D is destroyed by the Durass sisters Riker like most of the Enterprise D crew transfer to the new Sovereign Class ship, The USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E.

Over a year into his Enterprise E career after an encounter with the Borg the ship is forced to travel back in time to 2063 to stop the Borg from assimilating Earth. 272 years before his actual birth Riker along with Geordi La Forge and Zefram Cochrane, takes part in the first Warp flight that eventually leads to the creation of the Federation.