Tasha Yar

Natasha Yar
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Current Status: Deceased.

Born 2337

Natasha or Tasha as she was more commonly known was born on Turkana IV, a failed Federation Colony. At the young age of five she was orphaned when both her parents were killed. The rest of her childhood was a chaotic battle to survive the rape gangs and to bring up her younger sister, Ishara.
To survive on Turkana Tasha had to adopt a fight or flight attitude as the planet was a heaven of lawlessness. Its this lack of law on her homeworld that instills in her a strong sence of justice. This sense of justice must motivate her into a career in Security once leaving Starfleet Academy.

Tasha enters Starfleet Academy in 2352 at the age of 15. After about 4 years she graduated and after standard posting Yar was assigned to The USS Enterprise on Captain Picards request after he saw her risk her life going through a Carnelian mine field to save a strandid colonist.

yar is Cheif of Security on Starfleets Flagship the USS Enterprise (Click here for a Picture), a job she excels in. On the Enterprise's maiden voyager when confronted by Q, Tasha first instict is "Fight or run away" similar to her childhood mentallity of "Fight or Flight" on Turkana IV.

Unfortunely Tasha's Career and life on board the Enterprise is cut short. While on a rescue mission on Vagra II an entity called Armus attacks and kills her. A memorial service is held for Tasha on the Holodeck featuring a holorecording of Yar.