I really didnt know how easy html was until i started to make my page.Then as you use it more you soon memorize some of it.Then you learn more and more of it until you know all there is to know.Well that isnt me yet but i wish it was....hehehe.
All html reley's on is your browser and the internet.Html is like the boss of the computer one it come's to the net.Its like its saying,"You there put that image there!You put that word there!Wait forget the pictures he hit stop Put down all the text quick!!".See what i mean?Html is telling your computer what to put where in a way.Alls html is is < these > and simple commands put in side < these >.Do you understand?I do.Well if you work on html alls i can say is that if your a beginner well then dont worry youll get the hang of it.