SETTING: Around two months after Callista escaped from the "Eye Of Palpatine"

SUMMARY: Very alternate universe in which Luke and Callista's relationship is not quite what everyone thinks it is. But then again, Luke's relationship with another woman is not exactly the way others think it is either.


DISCLAIMER: Anything and everything Star Wars belongs to George Lucas and I am making no money from this. I do not intend any infringement but only wish to entertain myself and hopefully a few others with my rantings.

Chapter 2 ...coming soon          Chapter 3 ...coming soon          Chapter 4 ...coming soon         

Bye-Bye Callista

Chapter 1

Luke wasn’t sure what to do next. He glared at his lover and tried to figure out what to say. This was the third time recently they had argued and Luke was becoming so tired of the same fight occurring over and over.

"What do you want from me, Callie?"

Callista took Luke by the forearms. "I just want you. All of you."

Luke shook his head. He knew Callista would never have all of him. He just did not know when or how to tell her that. "I don’t know what else to give you."

Luke started pacing around the room and grabbed his cloak. They were at Han and Leia’s suite for dinner when the latest argument had started. The latest in a long line of many. He desperately wanted to get out of their space and continue this elsewhere. Leia and Han had made themselves scarce but it still bothered Luke to burden them with their squabble. He waited for Callista to get her cloak but she only stared at him.

"Do you love me?" she whispered.

Luke inhaled sharply and once again struggled for words. "How many times have we fought over this?"

"So the answer is still no?" Callista’s gaze bore through Luke as she tried to find answers that weren’t there.

Leia and Han glanced at each other in the kitchen. This was getting serious. Although they had never discussed Luke’s relationship with Callista, they had assumed they were in love with one another.

Luke held his hands up. "I don’t know what to say Callista."

"How about you answer me. Do you love me?"

Luke closed his eyes briefly then whispered "Not in the way you want me to."

Leia’s hand covered her mouth to keep from gasping. Han just sat in shock. Luke and Callista had been together for a few months now and most people assumed it would lead to marriage.

Callista shook her head sadly. "You love me as a friend but you’re not in love with me? Not as a man should love a woman, a husband love a wife."

Luke’s eyes widened a bit at the mention of husband and wife but he still answered. "No, not in that way I’m sorry Callie. I’ve never lied to you about my feelings."

Callista paced around the room this time. "There is no future for us, is there?"

Luke didn’t want to hurt her but he was so tired of living a lie. "Callie no, there is no future for us."

She nodded and angrily wiped a tear away. "When were you going to tell me this?"

"I’ve been trying to make you understand for along time. I’ve been honest with you about not loving you and I did not pursue a more intimate relationship with you. I thought you would see that I considered you a friend. You did something incredible to be with me, how could I tell you that I didn’t want to be with you in that way?"

She shook her head in amazement. "Even then you knew you didn’t love me? That’s not true. On the ‘Eye’ we connected in a way, I never have with anyone else! I know you did to."

Luke couldn’t look at her. "Answer me Luke! You’ve never connected with anyone else in the same way have you?" Callista’s voice had raised in anger. She did not care who heard them argue.

She walked closer to him. "Have you?"

Luke was becoming defensive. "Yes, I have Callista. You and I connected through the force and that was it. I never told you any different, that I felt something more." Luke knew she would be hurt but the truth was the truth. He hadn’t been leading her on. He had just wanted to give her time before telling her the truth.

"But you’re saying you have felt more with someone else?"

Luke nodded. "Yes."

"This is about there being someone else."

Luke was exasperated. "No, its not. This is about me not wanting to be in this relationship anymore. I can’t do these things like an automan anymore. I want to be able to feel and live and I can’t"

"You can’t do that with me."

"I’m sorry. I should’ve stopped this a lot sooner but I couldn’t just abandon you. I guess I hoped you would see that things weren’t going well but I never meant to hurt you."

Callista looked at him sadly. "I’ve been here for two months have you been with anyone else during that time?"

Han’s eyes widened at her bravery. Leia covered her ears to try to keep their words out.

"Callie, you and I haven’t had that type of relationship. I didn’t use you for my own pleasure." Luke hoped that would be the end of this conversation but Callista was not so easily deterred.

"That’s not what I asked, have you been with another woman since you brought me here from the ‘Eye’?"

Luke sighed; he really didn’t want to do this. Maybe it would be better to just let Callista know exactly the way things were. "Yes, I have."

Callista was furious. "You cheated on me with someone else?"

"How could I cheat on you? We weren’t together. You and I have never had sex there has not been an us."

Leia covered her ears even harder and kicked Han under the table for listening. He shrugged at her. There was no way he was going to stop listening now.

"I can’t believe you’d do this to me." Callista shrieked.

She shoved Luke backwards and was becoming hysterical. "Why couldn’t you just tell me the truth? You used me!"

Luke was really getting tired of playing this game with her.

"You want the truth, then fine. I was in a relationship before I ever boarded the ‘Eye’. I had been in this relationship off and on for almost two years. Two years, Callie, and not a single person ever knew about it. We kept it hidden so I couldn’t very well tell you when I met you."

"You were involved with someone?" she whispered.

"Yes, I never considered the possibility that I would ever see you after I left the ‘Eye’. Then when you took Cray’s body, you and apparently everyone else assumed we were together. You were too weak and emotionally drained for me to shatter you then. So I waited. I waited too long I believe but I really thought you would see what was going on. That I didn’t love you but I can’t wait any longer."

"She wants you back?" Her voice was dull and lifeless.

"She never lost me. She knew that I had to do this and she let me. We have continued our relationship while I tried to help you."

Callista laughed in his face. "I feel like such a fool do you love her?"

Luke didn’t know what purpose his answer would serve but he felt it better if he left no doubt. "I love her with all my heart and soul. I have for as long as I can remember. There will never be anyone in my life but her."

Leia slowly uncovered her ears and sat in stunned amazement. Her brother felt this strongly about someone and she had been oblivious to the whole relationship. She looked at Han who shrugged but still half-smiled. Leia got the impression that he knew what Luke was talking about.

"Luke, tell me who it is?"

Luke shook his head. "No, there’s no reason for you to know. Until we’re ready to go public, there’s no reason."

"You’re involved with someone when I thought we were involved. I have a right to know!"

Luke wouldn’t budge. "No, I’m sorry but it’s none of anyone’s business."

Callista glared at him. "None of my business?" She laughed then grabbed her cloak. "I will find out who she is and I will make her sorry for this."

Han and Leia both realized the situation in their living room was turning darker by the minute. They walked into the room hand in hand as Luke stepped closer to Callista. "Be very careful who you threaten Callista." His voice was hard and cold.

She smiled sweetly at him. "Afraid I might hurt her?"

Luke was not amused. "I would be more afraid that she would hurt you. Your demeanor is reminiscent of the dark side. Be careful how you proceed. Besides, if you go after her you’ll answer to me."

Callista looked at him strangely and Luke had a sinking feeling that she had an idea of who his mysterious love was. No, they had always been careful. There was no way Callista could know who it was.

Callista smiled and walked toward the door. "Goodbye Luke."

"Callist don’t do this."

"You always did worry to much Luke."

She pulled her cloak on and walked out the door with a quick wave to Han and Leia.

Luke drew a deep breath as Leia approached. He expected a string of questions or a lecture on women but instead Leia stopped directly in front of him and reached up to gently rub his face. "You look tired, brother."

Luke crushed her to him in a hug as his mind opened and he reached out for her comforting presence in the force. Leia felt his anguish at hurting Callista and his contradicting relief that she finally knew. Although he kept the identity concealed, she also felt his overwhelming love for the other woman in his life. The other woman that Callista was now determined to find the identity of. Leia trapped her brother’s pain and uncertainty and replaced those feelings with ones of love and pride that she felt so intensely for him. Luke savored in the feelings for a few moments then reluctantly broke the contact between the two of them. Leia hugged him tighter as he kissed her forehead then they released one another.

Han had already taken a seat on the sofa so Leia sat beside him and tucked her feet under her. Luke perched on the edge of a chair arm and waited for the questions to start. He wasn’t surprised when Han threw the first one at him.

"Can you tell us who she is?"

Luke laughed softly. "Not without talking to her first."

"But you will ask her?"

"Yes, " Luke had expected them both to be persistent but Leia was actually giving him some breathing room. "I’m sorry this all happened in your home. I knew I couldn’t put off telling her much longer but I had no idea it would be tonight."

Han shrugged. "It doesn’t matter where the truth came out, just that it did. Kid, you have got to stop protecting everyone and start living your own life."

Luke started to say something but Han was not done. "Two months Luke two months of being with someone you didn’t love while denying yourself the one you do love."

Luke blushed. "I didn’t deny myself though. I think that’s why Callista was so mad."

Han snorted. "And you shouldn’t have. But you also should have told Callista up front about not being serious about her. I know you were worried about her emotional state when she first took over Cray’s body but you should have told her then."

Luke agreed with him. "I never thought about seeing her again. I was overjoyed that she had gotten off the ‘Eye’ but not because it meant she could be with me. I was happy that she could finally finish her life. Things just got out of hand after that. Everyone assumed that I loved her when I was actually glad she was alive. Everyone assumed she would be living with me when I was actually living with someone else already." Luke took a deep breath. "You’re right. I should have told her then. My actions only reaffirmed what everyone was thinking about us."

Leia smiled, glad that he saw things the way they were. "We all make mistakes, Luke. Your mistake was not telling Callista about the other woman. It was not a mistake to love someone."

Luke nodded, "I know. I just feel bad for Callista."

Han sat forward on the edge of his seat. "I wouldn’t feel bad for her, I’d worry about her."

Luke frowned. "You mean worry about what she might do?"

"Yep, she was more than mad when she left here Luke. She’ll do everything possible to figure out who this woman is."

Luke sighed. It seemed like his life never got any easier. "I’ll keep an eye on her."

Leia had to agree with Han. "You’d better and so had your lady friend. Callista will want revenge. She showed us that."

Luke stood up. "I appreciate dinner and all but I need to get out of here. I should make sure Callista is not wrecking my apartment or worse."

Leia also stood and gave her brother a brief hug. "Let us know if you need us."

Luke chuckled and waved toward Han as he walked toward the door. "Rest assured, I will let you know if I need you."

Luke disappeared out the door and Han laughed softly. Leia looked down at her husband. "What’s so funny?"

Han continued to laugh. "He has no idea what he’s in for where Callista is concerned. I’m afraid your brother has no experience with scorned women."

Leia leaned down and kissed him. "And you do?"

Han grabbed Leia by the arms and pulled her down onto the sofa with him. "No, only satisfied women where I’m concerned."

Leia’s laughter was smothered by her husband’s kiss as his lips descended onto hers. be continued...