SETTING: Approximately 8 years or so after Zahn's Trilogy. I'm not big on timelines but this takes place before Spector of the Past.

SUMMARY: Luke Skywalker decides to take a quick vacation with his secret girlfriend only to run into Han and Leia at the exclusive resort.


DISCLAIMER: Anything and everything Star Wars belongs to George Lucas, with Timothy Zahn deserving some of the credit, and I am making no money from this. I do not intend any infringement but only wish to entertain myself and hopefully a few others with my rantings.

Interrupted Vacation


Luke froze in his tracks when he heard the familiar voice calling out to him. He slowly turned around just as Han skidded to a stop behind him.

"Luke, what are you doing here?" Leia's soft voice called out to him.

Leia was right behind her husband and hugged Luke warmly. Han noticed the look on Luke’s face and grinned. It was the guiltiest look he had ever seen on the young Jedi Master’s face.

"Yea Luke, what are you doing here?" Han made sure to emphasis his words.

There was no mistaking the panic then the irritation that flashed across Luke’s face and it was directed toward Han. Leia looked back and forth between the two, trying to understand what Han was kidding her brother about. "Am I missing something here?"

Luke glared at Han who really wanted to make Luke squirm more but didn’t think it would be best. He opened his mouth to bail Luke out of the fire when a young bellhop strode up to Luke.

"Sir, your companion has requested that you meet her in your rooms in 10 minutes."

Luke groaned, Han giggled and Leia inhaled sharply.

"Thank you," Luke mumbled to the bellhop who was already walking away.

Han took a step backwards so he could laugh softly without incurring the wrath of the Jedi. Luke looked as if he wished the floor would swallow him up while Leia glanced at her husband then back at her brother.

"What companion, Luke?" They could both tell she wasn’t pleased by this news. Han couldn't resist stepping closer to hear how Luke was going to handle this one.

"I don’t think that’s important Leia." His voice was calm but firm.

Leia’s back stiffened and her hands went to her hips. "I beg to differ, brother. You’re vacationing at this resort with a woman and I think it’s only fair that we know who she is."

For the life of him, Luke could not fathom why Leia thought she should know. "And I’m telling you that this does not concern you." Luke also had his hands on his hips.

Han tried to hide his laughter as the anger of the two escalated. There were times when it was so obvious that they were twins. Leia was beside herself with indignation that Luke would not tell her who his companion was. Han couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride at Luke not giving in to Leia's demands. That was a rare occasion. Luke stared at his sister and in turn, Leia’s temper grew at his stubbornness.

"Why are you hiding out with here with a female and trying to not let anyone know who she is?"

"I’m not-"

"I thought Jedi didn’t lie," Leia interrupted.

Luke took a deep breath. He really did not want to deal with his over-protective sister right now. Not when his friend was waiting for him and he knew she was planning something special.

"I’m here relaxing just like you are. Who is with me is no concern of anyone’s. You should know how much privacy means to me."

"You’re hedging on my question. It’s more than privacy. You do not want me to know who you’re here with, why?" Leia knew there was more to this than Luke not wanting to tell them his girlfriend's name. His nervousness when first seeing her and Han had told her that he was hiding more than just a name.

Luke felt her begin to probe his mind and he immediately strengthened his barriers, causing Leia’s temper to rise a few more degrees. She knew that Luke was far too strong for her to be able to probe his mind without his consent.

Luke watched his sister carefully, knowing she would never let it go until she learned who his companion was. But there was no way he could tell her. They had decided to keep their relationship secret and there was no way he would survive if he told his sister now. He just had to figure out how to delicately tell Leia that she had no control over his life, especially that part of it.

"Leia, this is a part of my life that you have no role in. My…relationship with any woman is my concern and has nothing at all to do with you." He hoped she would understand.

"You’re saying that it’s none of my business who you’re sleeping with?" She whispered furiously and stepped closer to Luke.

If Leia wanted to be crude, then so could he. "That’s exactly what I’m saying…I’m sorry."

"I really didn't think you were like that Luke. I never imagined that you ….got around so much. Is this what you're doing when you disappear for days on end?"

Luke's face flushed and his temper flared. "Its none of your business who I sleep with or how often." He whispered just as furiously as she had.

"It is my business to look out for you. Your not very experienced in these matters…"

Leia and Luke both glared at Han when he mumbled "he seems to be more experienced than you think."

Luke took a deep breath. "Leia, I love you, but my sexual life has nothing to do with you." Luke felt like a teenager being caught in the act by his mother rather than an adult capable of making his own decisions.

She stared at him for a minute then smiled at the man she loved so much. "I don't want to fight over this, Luke. Just please be careful and use good judgment."

She kissed his cheek then looked at Han. "I’m going to get ready for our swim. Meet you at the pool in fifteen minutes?"

"Sure." Han was just as stunned as Luke was. Leia never backed down from something she felt so strongly about and anything concerning Luke fell into that category.

Leia kissed Han’s cheek then waved to her brother as she casually strolled to the turbolift. For a moment, the two men just watched her leave then Han looked at Luke.

"What just happened here?" His shock was evident on his face.

Luke was frowning, feeling that something was not right. "I don't know. Maybe she just got tired of arguing with me."

Han watched Luke as he mulled over Leia's abrupt change of attitude. "Will you tell me who it is or can I guess?"

Luke shook his head, laughing. "Han, I meant what I said to Leia. It doesn’t matter who it is."

Han snorted; knowing Luke would never tell him. "Is it long term or just met her? Come'on Luke…tell me something." Han knew that was a useless cause so he tried a different approach. "Do you do this often?"

Luke couldn't resist stringing along the one person who teased him most. "Yes Han, I do this as often as I can get away with."

Han's jaw dropped slightly. "How often, Kid? With the same person?"

Luke patted Han on the back. "Han, you’re the one who told me variety is the spice of life and to never settle for only one."

This time Han did gasp then he slowly laughed. "You're pulling my leg Luke. You are not a player."

Luke only shrugged and started to walk toward the turbolift. "I can't believe Leia didn't push me about this."

"I can’t believe she let the subject go either….she’s awfully protective of you."

"I know and I appreciate that but--"

Luke suddenly stopped and Han almost walked past him. He turned to look at him and saw the expression on his face that meant trouble. "What’s wrong, kid?"

"She’s going to my rooms." He whispered.

"What? Who’s going to your room….Leia?" The terrible truth dawned on him and Han cursed under his breath.

They both ran to the turbolift and Luke punched the level they needed. The turbolift seemed to be moving awfully slow to the both of them.

Han glanced at Luke and could tell he was as angry as he was concerned. "How would she know which rooms though?"

"From the bellhop or from the fact that there are ysalamiri around the suite so it would give off a blank feel through the force. Trust me Han, she can find my room."

"She had a good head start Luke. Can’t you warn whoever is in there?"

"No" was all Luke would say. He knew Han was trying to figure out if the person was force sensitive, trying to figure out if it was the person he thought it was. Luke hated being deceptive, especially when Han's assumption was right.

"Han, if I could tell you who it is, then I would….although I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised."

Han grinned "Fair enough kid."

Han had his answer but in such a way that Leia couldn’t accuse him of withholding it from her. "I take it that you’re leaving the resort after today?"

Luke laughed softly than lunged out of the turbolift as it stopped on the 34th floor. The very top floor. Han couldn’t help but smile. "You two really have a thing for roofs don’t you?"

Luke had gone on ahead and didn’t hear him but Han laughed to himself at his joke then ran to catch up with Luke.

He saw Luke go into a doorway and he hurried in behind him. Han almost ran into his brother in law who had stopped as soon as he stepped into the room to stare at the scene before him. Han stepped beside Luke then inhaled sharply. "Huh oh."

Leia and Mara Jade stood in the middle of the living room area staring at each other. It was very apparent that Mara was not expecting anyone but Luke since all she had on was a long shirt of Luke’s. A shirt that did very little to hide Mara’s attributes. Han couldn’t help a little look. She was one built lady.

Luke looked back at him and Han was grateful that the ysalamiri in the room had prevented Luke from picking up on that thought. Luke then moved to stand in front of Mara. She let her hand rest on his waist and stepped a little closer to him. Han’s eyebrow arched in surprise. It was unlike Mara to be so possessive.

Luke was not happy with his sister. "I can’t believe you would do this Leia." He whispered.

"Me? You’re having a…a…thing with Mara and you’re mad at me?"

"Yes, I am. You have no right to barge in here like this. Mara didn’t even know you were on this planet. She could’ve killed you even before she realized it was you."

"Oh please…Mara is not an assassin any more. I was perfectly safe."

Luke stepped away from Mara and turned sideways so he could see her but Leia could still see both of them. He held out his hand, palm up. Mara sighed then reluctantly pulled her sleeve up and unstrapped her blaster. She then laid it in his hand. Luke still looked at her and she tried to give him an innocent look. After a few seconds, Mara lifted her shirt ever so slightly and unsnapped the small band from around her thigh that held the vibroblade. She then laid it in Luke’s hand. He still looked at her.

"That’s all of it." She sounded none too pleased to have given up her secret arsenal. Han stared in awe at Mara. This woman was unbelievable.

Luke turned around and looked at Leia who was fixating on the two weapons in her brother’s hand. She then looked at Mara for a moment then sank down into a chair.

Luke wanted her to understand why he was so upset with her. "Mara is always armed, Leia."

Mara could not pass up an opportunity to embarrass Leia. "Well, not always, Luke." She said in her best sultry voice. Luke shook his head at her attempt to goad his sister. Things were bad enough as it was.

Leia took a deep breath. "Maybe barging in here wasn’t the smartest thing to do but I didn’t realize it was Mara I was dealing with. I was worried about you."

"He’s a big boy Leia." Mara couldn’t resist emphasizing the word big. She reached out to Luke and started taking back her stuff. Luke softly chastised her for having them on in the first place and Mara laughed softly. "Oh, but you do so love locating and removing them, Farmboy."

Leia turned away in disgust and Han couldn’t help but smile. Mara could rattle Leia like no one else could.

Luke rubbed his longtime friend’s face and kissed her forehead. "I’m sorry Mara, I didn’t mean for this to happen."

She responded by laying her hand atop his. "It’s not your fault Skywalker."

He only nodded. " Why don’t you start packing and we’ll leave as soon as I prep the Fire."

Mara started to walk toward the bedroom to pack then stopped and looked at Leia for a moment. Luke was surprised when she turned back around and wrapped her arms around his neck. He automatically wrapped his arms around her waist.

"We're here on vacation Farmboy. Why should we leave?"

Luke looked at her long and hard. "What do you mean?"

Mara found herself melting into his baby blue eyes. "They already know about us so why don't we stay and enjoy the rest of our vacation. And I mean a real vacation, no more hiding in the room so no one will know we are together."

Luke knew that would be a huge step for her. "I'm not going to allow you to be pressured into doing something you don't want."

"I know but…maybe I’m finally ready to stop hiding. Let's just stay and have our vacation not caring who sees us."

Luke was surprised. They had been hiding their relationship for a long time at Mara's insistence. "This doesn’t have to change our relationship."

She nodded. "I know that but…I’m ready Luke. I want to change our relationship. We can go someplace else if you want but no more false names or force tricks. Let’s just continue with no deception."

Luke's heart swelled, hoping he had heard her right. "You don't want to hide our relationship anymore? You want to go public?"

"Yes, I don't want to announce it on the holovid but no more hiding."

Luke wasn’t sure what to say. Mara kissed him softly. "I mean this. I’m ok with it."

He hugged her tightly and murmured thank you into her massive red gold hair. Even Leia was unsure after seeing their apparent deep commitment to each other.

"How long have the two of you been involved?" She asked hesitantly.

They drew apart and Luke waited until Mara had made her way to the bedroom to get dressed before turning to his sister. "Over a year now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

He sat down on the arm of one of the chairs and waited for her lecture. He was surprised when it didn't come. "Luke, do you love her?"

The smile that crept across his face would have been enough of an answer but he still replied, "Yes Leia, I love her."

Leia nodded. "And how does she feel about you?" Leia's gaze left Luke as Mara came back out of the bedroom, this time wearing a pair of pants along with Luke's shirt.

Mara stopped behind Luke and absentmindedly ran her hand through his hair. She had admitted to Luke her feelings but saying them aloud to other people would be new to her. "Leia, Luke has been my friend for so long that I can't really tell you when my feelings for him changed."

Leia was in no mood for her to dodge this question. "Mara, do you love Luke?"

Mara looked at the small, tenacious woman seated in the chair opposite her. "Yes Leia, I love your brother."

Luke reached around and wrapped his arm around Mara's waist, pulling her closer. They both watched as Leia struggled to absorb this new information. Leia glanced at Han, who nodded his encouragement. With a deep breath, she stood and walked over to Luke and Mara.

She extended her hand toward Mara, "Then welcome to the family."

Luke had never been more proud of his sister as Mara slipped her hand into Leia's.

He let go of Mara when she and Leia ended their handshake and stood to hug his sister close. "Thank you, Leia." Luke finally released her and Leia felt Han's arm go around her shoulder when she stepped back.

Han knew she was struggling to understand what was between her brother and the ex emperor’s hand but would give them her support. Han gently pulled her toward the door "We all can have dinner tonight around seven in the ballroom."

Luke looked unsure so Leia continued on, "No more hiding remember. We’ll meet you at the entrance at seven?"

Mara didn't give Luke time to answer. "I think that's a wonderful idea. We'll be there."

Leia nodded and stepped out into the hallway while Han shut the door behind them. Leia walked to the turbolift with Han in silence, deciding that she would make every effort to encourage and support Luke's involvement with Mara but she would also be watching the Master Trader very carefully. She just could not bring herself to completely trust Mara, not after all those years she had so fervently claimed of wanting to kill her brother

Feeling Han's chuckle running through his complete body and into her through the arm that lay nestled around her waist, she looked up into his face and didn't see anything but amusement.

"You're not surprised?" she asked, giving her husband an incredulous look. Han barely could contain his laughter and winked at her.

"Leia, honey, don't you think it was obvious?" he asked in return. "They've always reminded me of our courting back during the rebellion. Though Mara is more convincing in pretending to hate Luke than you were about me. Don't worry, my Princess, they'll be fine."

Feeling slightly assured by his confidence, the former Princess of Alderaan nodded to his little speech but she made a vow to herself that she'd make sure to keep an eye on her brother and his new love.