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--- 8th June 2001 ---   |   --- 9th June 2001 ---   |   --- 10th June 2001 ---   |   --- 16th June 2001 ---
--- 8th June 2001 ---
Barbed Wire
I am angry

today i'm angry because little bitch ass kids are walkin round like fucking
toy fire trucks making gay noises which you wanna go "UY SHUT THE FUCK UP"
and then smash a brick of there little faggy boy faces. Then we have gym
which is gay we just hit a ball with a stick and mr gay ass (hedley) is so
predictable the pitcher, pitches and wass he gonna say "NO BALL" yeah you
have no fucking balls u legless cunt. but i'am getting happy blink is playin
and it fucking rules and mick foley fucking kicks ass lets see we'll play a game
answer this how many ribs has foley broke and what was the year periods " UH UHHH"
WRONG ANSWER he broke his ribs 6 times from 1991 up to 1998, who was the person he won
the wcw tag titles with .... WRONG ANSWER it was kevin sullivan FOLEY IS GOD, FOLEY IS GOD. anyone who thinks diffrent can suck my LOUD COCK oh wait tell me this tell me 2 famous ppl
foley trained with at denucci's wrestling school ....WRONG AGAIN it was shane douglas and
refree mike curtis now you can go away i'am bleeding about now and eating crunchi nut corn
flakes, also reckless abandon is on .........voodoo (i pooped in the outhouse)
Barbed Wire