The year was 1953 the night was Christmas
many people were rejoicing taking annual
the night train from Auckland was going
down the line
it was bound for Wellington, everything
was fine
It traveled to Waiuru across the desert
in sight of Mt Ruapehu, it had just dumped
its load
one of three Volcanoes, the cater lake
had broke
cascading down the mountainside with mud
enough to choke
the Tangiwai bridge was in its path, it
just copped it all
rails were ripped up from the track and
stanchions they did fall
the train was completely unaware, and
kept a steady speed
when they saw a man with a lantern, telling
them to heed
brakes were applied that instant, but
the momentum was to great
it went into the river ,five carriages
it was too late!
one hundred and thirty one bodies ,were
recovered from the site
twenty are still missing, on that fateful
today the crater lake is swelling to size
that is one par
will the government to owt about it, another
disastrous lahar
Poem © Baldric
Graphics © Skyangel