Ben has become...PURE EVIL!

Hello my loyal servants. Even as you read this passage I am tightening my grip on the people of earth. From Coldest Siberia to the darkest jungles of Brazil, massive throngs of my followers are uniting. You may think:"Ha! Just another computer nerd pretending he is a god"...well, you will soon learn that this is not a mere dream. I SHALL conquer all, and the fact is, I barely know how to use a computer. You know, it's so easy these days to start a webpage with almost no prior knowledge of computers. But I digress...
My name is Ben. But I was once called Conan, B, Big Ben, Jesus squared, and B-style. I am 17 years of age, and a senior at a very large high school, of which I am well known for my comedy prowess. I do all of the normal teenage things- I like music, movies, and partying, but beware...because that is where the similarities end. This website, for the moment, represents what was a simple class assignment. It will slowly be transformed into a true representation of myself. First...a small webpage...second...TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION!!

Oh, and this is when I met Pimpbot 5000!

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