world.jpg (3344 Byte)


You want to join?

You have a funny nonsense site? You want more visitors? Good!
So why you don't join the ring? It's of course free and easy.

In only 3 steps you are a member of the Nonsense World  Webring!

1. You fill out the form.

2. Read the eMails and copy the webring code.

3. You paste the code on your homepage.

If you need help, click here!

Start now!

Step 1:

Submit site to Nonsense World Webring   world.jpg (3344 Byte)

Owner's Name(one of your names):
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.



Step 2:  and  Step 3:

Soon (in 24 hours)  you'll get 2 eMails.
In  one you get your Site Id.
In the other you'll find the html code for the webring.
You have to copy this code and paste it on one of your sites. When you have done this, somebody of the Nonsense World Webring Team take a look of your site.
If the code works properly, you will be add to the ring.

If you have any problems  click here.


Now, you are ready! Thank you!