in case you can't read what I wrote or can't tell....
Spike:BANDITO? Is that YOU?
Bandito:�Hola! Si�orita Edna! Nice to see you!
Bouldra:You KNOW this chump?
Spike:Yes! Me and 'im, we're old 'igh school buds!
Bandito:I was hopeeng I'd run into you one of these days!
Bouldra:Yeah?Well you'r bud nearly robbed me blind, so don't mind me as I strangle him.
Spike: BOULDRA,let 'im go...
Bouldra:Aw, C'mon!Ugh!Fine,but I was just gonna wring his neck for a while...
Spike:BANDITO..give Bouldra back 'er credits!
Bandito:FINE!! So, Si�ora Edna, �Qu� Pasa? What breengs you to beautiful Mehico?
Spike:It's kinda a long story,...well, p'aps you can 'elp..... [Later...](They're all walking down the street..)So, 'e said that the only place to stop 'im was at the steps to the sun. We figger'd that was 'ere. Can you take us to the temple?
Bandito:Hmm...That depends.
Spike:On whot?
(Bandito swipes a passer-by's wallet without even stopping)
Bandito:Depends on how much cash I just swiped from that guy's wallet!
Spike:I thought you vowed to give up pick-pocketing after graduation!
Bandito:'ey! Old habeets die hard. C'mon, let's stop off at my house...