July 12, 2004
Westfield Shopping Center, Liverpool NSW
Nguyen's Journey
Battle Report
Round 1: Vs Draciel V2
Knocked it silly. 'Nuff said.
Round 2: Vs Dragoon S
Outlasted it easily. Dragoon S' wielder apparently lacked good shooting
technique-- the blade went all around the stadium without making one solid hit
on Requiem, exhausting itself.
Round 3: Vs another Dragoon S
Same outcome as before.
Round 4: Vs Dranzer G
Wisely stayed out of Dranzer G's way long enough for the EG's final clutch to
run out. Afterwards, a small tap was all it took to unbalance Dranzer G.
Round 5: Vs Draciel F
Can't believe an uncustomized Draciel F made it that far. Anyway, Draciel F got
its tail kicked, royally.
Round 6: Vs Dragoon V AR on SG Sharp base (WD and SG not known)
Outlasted opponent in the first round, aggressively knocked it over in the
second round. Easy.
Round 7: Vs Galman
Piece of cake-- Galman fell to just a few well-placed hits, 2 rounds in a row.
Round 8: Vs Rock Bison AR on Wolborg base (WD not known)
This opponent was just plain unstable. After colliding with Requiem enough
times, it just didn't have enough balance to keep upright, and fell.
Round 9: Vs Driger G
Stayed out of its way until the EG ran out, then moved in for the kill with
deadly precision.
FINAL ROUND: Vs Metal Draciel
Outlasted Metal Draciel in the first round, then in the next round, Requiem
actually got beaten for the first time (don't know how the heck that happened,
but somehow, Metal Draciel outlasted it). Nguyen lashed out in the tiebreaker
round, getting aggressive and attacking Metal Draciel's underside until it fell.
Victory is sweet!
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