To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your support of our Tekken games. It is our vision here at Namco
to continue to produce quality games in the Tekken series, Tekken Tag Tournament
being one such example.
In response to your question regarding the inclusion of Jun Kazama in Tekken Tag
Tournament, we at Namco believe that this was necessary to give our product
consumer appeal when launched in its target market. Previous studies and surveys
showed that a large percentage of the Tekken-playing population are total
dweebs, geeks and losers who would like nothing more than to see a glorified
pair of chopsticks in white pants topped with a gift-wrap ribbon return to the
arcade machines. Furthermore, we Namco developers have no sense of good taste
whatsoever... and the fact that most of us were stone drunk when we were
inputting the character data/designs wasn't a big help either.
In conclusion, let me say... hic!... that... hic!... thish whole Jun thing
ishn't a major consherrrrrn.... *BURP!* Ohhhhh, Jun.... yer shoooooo hot... hic!
(dang, shouldn't have had all those beersh...) Yeah, and Ganryu's lookin' pretty
too..... *ERP!* hic! Aw, gotta get back to thish shtuuuupid programmin'.....
*HICCUP!* Juuuuuuun, Jun.... willya be my wife? No? Ooookaaaay, then...... Hey,
Paul Phoeniksh, howzabout a date?
Namco Customer Services