Creators & Contributors
Okay this page will list the bios of the makers and regular helpers.


Here I am stoned.
Bio: I am an Engineering student.(freshman) I am a recovering drug addict, I shot draino into my scrotum for four years.(gives you a wicked buzz) I am a father and I have a very shitty view on life. I'll have to let someone else finish because I'm no good at writing about myself.


BoB0 and his pussy
Bio: Bob is a huge Mr. Bungle fan. He spent three years of his life touring with the Greatful Dead. He hasnt had sex in several months and I've recently caught him with an Armidillo and a tube of lotion.(gotta get it sometime) He is an all around cool guy who introduced me to shrooms.


Aint he cute!!!!!!!
Bio: Jared is an ex Zoophilia movie star his credits include Gettin Jiggy with the Piggy and Doin the Froggy with My Doggy. He is into small chested (aa or less) and HUGE assed women (xl or better). He also a drug addict. He has been snorting wheat for about 10 years. Stay tuned for his still pic action series GRANOLA of nature.