1.AT Bharat Electronics , Bangalore :
Basically I work as a embedded software programmer , a rare breed in software world .
At Bharat Electronics I worked in switching R&D for about 2.75 yrs from 1-1-96 till 30-9-98.
a. I developed C & assembly code for a 60+24 lines military exchange .
b. I developed DSP code for voice data multiplexer .
c. I designed some digital blocks e.g. sync detection , frame decoder , frame encoder For ADM MUX .
2. AT SLTI , Bangalore :
I have been working in DSP S/W group of SLTI since 1-10-98 .
A DSP is in simple words a high speed microcontroller with architecture optimized for
Number crunching applications . Here my job is to develop C/assembly code for audio
Applications using SANYO�s DSP processor . So far I have carried out following work .
a. Developed a code for LD-ADPCM decoder .
b. Developed a code for a telephone line echo canceller for 16 bit and 24 bit DSP .
c. Developed a C & DSP code for TRUBASS application . Trubass is basically a audio Enhancement technology which delivers a deep rich bass through small speakers without the need of sub woofer (Large in size) .
d. Currently I am working on MP3-audio .