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The Circle

Hello! I am the Princess of Quite Alot, the ringmistress of The Circle. With the blessing of my liege, the Empress of the Universe, I have created The Circle to band together her loyal followers. In order to be a member of The Circle you must swear fealty to her and agree to treat all her subjects with the respect that they may or may not deserve.

For those of you that are confused by the previous statement: The Circle was created for the sole purpose of linking together my friends and myself. In order to be a member you must (a) be the friend of at least two current members and (b) be someone that I have met (IRL or online) prior to your request to join.

Yes, I realize I am being very selective. Unlike most other webrings, this one is not meant to grow to immense numbers; though it would be great if it did! It is just for fun. There are a few other rules...such as:

  1. You must understand the dead parrot reference in the URL.
  2. You must notice the pun in the URL.
  3. You must know the names of the Empress, the Queen, The Princess (that's me!), and the Knight.
  4. You must know who George The Duck is.
Essentially, you must have an appreciation for our idea of the finer things in life.... You don't necessarily have to agree with everything of course - we don't all agree either - but you should be able to grasp the references. Trust me, this is for your own benefit.

To summarize: you're in if I say you're in. I think it sounds fair, don't you?

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If you are already a member and would like to edit your site information, enter your ID and password below.

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Email the Ringmistress

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) 1998-99 the Princess, by decree of the Empress of the Universe.
Steal this and orange rhinoceri with poisoned hooves shall trample thee in a dark alley.
The Circle was created on 08.17.98