*This is it. This is everything. This is something. This is factual. This is fabricated. This is nothing. This is applauding. This is page 71 through 125. This is using a No. 2 pencil. This is one with the universe. This is crime. This is inside the red sports car. This is integrity. This is holism. This is friends. This is time. This is depravity. This is sexual relations. This is reminiscing about the good times. This is science. This is entry upon exit. This is mid-western living. This is light. This is slavery brought upon ourselves by ourselves. This is four walls. This is God. This is inequality within the relationship. This is blue sky. This is broken glass. This is tax exemption. This is surgically clean. This is dogma. This is bra burning. This is sound. This is Asian cooking. This is running the red light. This is understanding. This is late nights. This is perfectionism. This is 20/20 vision. This is on sale. This is truth. This is communism. This is bloody q-tips. This is Salmon Rushdie. This is tobacco legislation. This is taste. This is tactfulness. This is sympathy. This is 9 to 5. This is torn clothing. This is in-action. This is broad shoulders. This is running to the border. This is saying goodbye. This is waiting for the sun to come up. This is being a dead weight on the world. This is good. This is great. This is wonderful. This is zipping up. This is tardy. This is apathy. This is acceptance. This is touch. This is Earth shattering news. This is traveling. This is fear. This is talking. This is tearing down the wall. This is solidity. This is house-wares. This is noodle salad. This is quarks, atoms, and molecules. This is empty space in between. This is smell. This is that. This is intoxication. This is frivolous. This is down the street. This is esteem. This is lost and found. This is tolerance. This is motionless banter. This is brand new. This is daytime TV. This is complete. This is obsessive compulsive disorders. This is laughter. This is forty hours a week. This is wave riding. This is torture. This is a five-piece suit. This is anger. This is ten digits. This is free enterprise. This is freedom of speech while pleading the fifth. This is pleasure. This is pining. This is regret. This is attending therapy. This is freeing emotion. This is longevity. This is reading the arrest column. This is out of hand. This is out of reach. This is sobering up. This is life. This is throwing caution. This is melancholy. This is a good deed. This is experience. This is protesting in Tienanmen Square. This is the end...


*Not to be confused.


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