Welcome to the Reviews section, where you can get the lowdown on the latest PS2 games to hit the shops. We complete the crap ones, so you don't have to. Games being reviewed will all be recorded in the GS format. Screenshots will be free for selecting to the bottom left of the screen, while the main bulk of the review will be right here in the centre. For the very lazy, or slack minded, at the end of each review, there will be a small table which sums up the main good and bad points of the game, and also shows the mark the game recieved in a percentage. Below, shows what these marks mean on this website (not anyone else's, so don't email moaning that on www.sewinsew.com, the game got 20% more...) : At the bottom of each review is a button to click revealing some hot new recently released footage of the game. To view this footage you need quicktime. Don't know if you have quicktime? Click here to find out.