Well its been awhile but heres the next installment of My 2 Cents
Today its hard to find a young adult that hasn't been to college. But what good has it done?
Employers today don't want a smart kid fresh outta college, they want experience. And it seems that they want a 20 year old with 21 years experience. And when a youngster does get a job,(not flipping burger) they are treated like they know nothing, there is no trust no respect for all the years they spent learing the trade or job.
Everyone always complains that there is unemployment, so hire someone, teach them and give them a job that they can pe good at. But pay them well enough to live, I have a job pays ok but i can barely live on it. I work hard i have a good work background, I've actually been told I'm over qualified for a job. I could have made more money but they didn't hire me. Go figure.
So what am i trying to say today. Don't always pick the person with the most experience, try picking a college or university student they may suprise you. Oh i guess there are some reasons for wanting experience but how are us in our 20's gonna break away from home when we can't even get a good paying job?
I'm out