"Blaming Yolanda"

Do you suffer from any of the following:

El Nino, asthma, leprosy,

male pattern baldness, stupidity,

headache, hangnails, allergies,

demonic possession, bad hair day,

lactose intolerance, flood damage,

typhoid, malaria, influenza,

bovine spongiform encepholapathy,

erectile dysfunction, bed bugs,

NSF fees, depression, common cold,

insomnia, or etc.

Everyone needs a way to vent their frustration. My friend Yolanda is how I vent my frustration, by blaming things on her I feel so much better and then I began to think why can"t I share this with others. If everyone is able to vent their frustrations in a positive way the world would be a better place. So feel free to blame things on Yolanda, the scapegoat for all occassions.


Please vent in the box below!