Ample Encounters of the Disturbing Kind?

   It shouldn't come as a surprise to those of you who are frequent late night cappers to learn that Artanas is going through something of an Amplewoman mania. It seems everywhere the plucky capper looks visions of Amplewoman dance in his head, and as scary as dancing Amplewomen may seem, that is only the tip of the iceberg! What is surprising is that this isn't a isolated occurrence! A chief psychiatric specialist we talked to informed us that it is fairly common in certain cases, to form a kind of dementia they like to call 'Ample on the Brain', this transformation is as baffling as it is complete, take a look at the picture of an Ampledementia infected brain. Note the startling resemblance? While it is somewhat contagious, doctors say the best course of action is to let the dementia run it's course, the only true cure is rest, relaxation, and a good strong dose of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and/or TV special.

   But what if the Ampledementia doesn't simply run it's course? Extremely baffling to doctors are the so called AmpleSculptures, according to the expert we spoke with, "The dementia has never manifested the desire to recreate the image of AmpleWoman before. For most it is simply traumatic enough to see AmpleWoman in almost everything they look at, it also causes the brain to send out certain muscle inhibitors that in strong cases act as a kind of local anesthetic stopping most motor skills. One would think forming a AmpleSculpture from tapioca pudding would at least cause a low level coma! Why, one patient suffering from Ampledementia merely overheard us talking about the sculpture made from sour Jell-O pudding and he went into spastic convulsions!".

Ample on the Brain?

Think about it, won't you? Thank You.

AmpleSculpture made from rancid
Bacon Fat and Blue Dye #9.
   When we brought up the possibility of being born in beer, our expert queried, "What the hell are you talking about?", but continued, "I suppose it is possible that something inhibits the effects of the muscle inhibitors, or perhaps something interferes with the brain sending them out in the first place. It's frightening to think of what effects long term AmpleDementia would have on a brain. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my electro-shock treatments, if I'm good, I get lime Jell-O!". It seems in a case such as this, there are no easy answers, we can only hope for the best, but when AmpleSculptures are concerned, could any outcome be very good at all?

Witness the Dementia For Yourself...

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