If you've been on Caption This! late at night recently
then you know it's been under more attacks by the UnCaptioneer currently
known as deadlyringer, aka: deadly_ringer, electro_voice, deadly_grandmom,
he has also been spotted lately using the handle LeeMajors, mcu16bit, and
H5N3virus. If you spot any of these handles immediately contact
the Sci-Fi
Dominion staff at: [email protected].
Even if it doesn't appear he is illegally soliciting bootlegs tape, let
them know he's back, because he has been kicked off before for spamming
and stealing cappers passwords and handles. I've also taken the liberty
of posting several of his "attempts" at captioning to the right so that
hopefully if he changes his handle, you'll be able to recognize him by
his unique grammar, spelling, and style (or lack of all three). He currently
does'nt seem to be spamming for tapes, only to annoy people who want to
enjoy themselves, lets work together, email dominion, and rub him out like
the .
Also if he is using hotmail send them a letter as well, at [email protected]. hotmail has also revoked his [email protected] address, and he has switched to [email protected], be sure to mention this in your email to hotmail. Also let them know he is committing an illegal act by asking for bootleg tapes, and spamming, both of which hotmail has policies against. Maybe if we get him kicked out again he'll just come back again, but each time we do manage to give him the heave ho it should make it easier to stop him the next time, and so on until he gets the point and goes elsewhere. |
A Caption You May Have Seen
electro_voice: Want to get more $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ Yeh, If ANYONE can record WONDER WOMAN at 15,16 Jan,99 at 9:00am, I will pay as above. email:[email protected] THANKYOU The Hell?!?