Backed Up: Glandular condition that men get from not having sex.
Bad Breaker-Upper: Someone who ends a relationship by saying those
mean things that people don't mean - but means them.
Home-Bed Advantage: The confident feeling one gets while making love
in one's own surroundings.
"It didn't take": George's explanation for Susan's short-lived
experimentation with lesbianism.
The "It's-not-you-it's-me" routine: Breakup method to which George
lays claim.
Love: A spice with many tastes, according to Newman.
Make-up Sex: The best feature of a heavy relationship; eclipsed only
by "conjugal-visit sex".
Master of your Domain: One who can refrain from masturbation. (Also:
Lord of the Manor, King of the County, Queen of the castle.)
Public Fornicator: A porn actor.
Put in: The length of time one has to keep up a relationship after a
sexual liaison. Elaine suggests three weeks.
Sexual Camel: Someone who can go great lengths of time without sex.
Sexual Perjury: Faking it.
Shrinkage: Physical reaction men have to cold water.
Slip One Past the Goalie: To impregnate a woman.
Stopping Short: Frank Costanza's technique to cop a feel in the car.
The Switch: Dating a woman, then dating her roommate after the breakup.
Has never been done successfully.
The Tap: Sign a woman uses to stop oral sex, sort of like the manager
coming to the mound and asking for the ball.
- ([email protected])