The Life of Brian
Life of Bwian Sounds

We present . . . .
And seventy camels, forty-eight goats, sixteen chickens, twleve pigs,� two dromedaries, and� of course the wacky Monty Python Boys.
"Are you a virgin?"
"I want to be a woman."
"Shutup, I'm trying to hear what he's saying, bignose!"
"And so as a blasphemer, you are to be stoned to death!"
"Blasphemy! He said it again!"
"Oh yeah, if we didn't have crucifixtion, this country'd be in a right bloody mess!"
"No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle!"
"Where's the fetus gonna gestate, ya gonna keep it in a box?"
"I'm Brian and so is my wife!"
"Blessed are the cheesmakers."
"Well what are you doing creeping out in the cowshed at 2 o'clock in the morning? That doesn't sound very wise to me!"
"Let me come with you pontius, I may be of assistance if there is a sudden cwisis!"
"ck . . . ckk . . . cckkkr . . . . Crrrrrrrrrusifixion's too good for 'em sah!
"Oh, damn damn damn . . . I'm sorry! . . . Oh, damn, damn, and blasted!
"Babardo, a touch of daring-do."
"Yes, we are all different! . . . I'm not."
"Disperse them? But I haven't addressed them yet!"
"Bloody do-gooder!"
"I sometimes lay awake at night dreaming of being spat at in the face!"
"Spare a talent for an old ex-leper?"
"Bloody favoritism!"
"You mean you were raped?! . . . Well, at first yes."
"I have a very great friend in Rome called "Bigus Dickus"!"
"Go away!"
"For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow . . .� "
"Hail Caeser!"
"Hello mother! . . . Don't you "hello mother" me, what are all those people doing out there?!"
"Homage? You drunk, its disgusting! Out, c'mon out. Versing me with tales about oriental fortune tellers, c'mon out!"
"How shall we fuck off o' lord?"
"Oh I'm alive! Havaaaaa Nagila!"
"Uh, I'm Brian of Nazareth."
"You're all individuals! . . . . Yes, we are all individuals!"
"Just some Jewish joke sir."
"Of course they brought forth juniper berries, they're juniper bushes! What do you expect?!"
"You lucky, lucky bastard!"
"Crusifixion? Yes . . good, out of the door, line on the left, one cross each."
"I'm not the messiah!"
"Your father isn't Mr. Cohen."
"Now you listen here! He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"
"Nortius Maximus."
"There's no messiah in here. There's a� mess alright but no messiah. Now go away!"
"I'm a rancy pedestrian and pround of it!"
"Don't pick ya nose!"
"Piss off!"
"Piss off! (slightly more annoyed)"
"All right. Uh, two points, uh two flats and a packet of gravel."
"It's my right as a man."
"I don't want of that Roman rubbish!"
"Sex, sex, sex, that's all they think about!"
"The messiah, the messiah, show us the messiah!"
"Hoo hoo hoo hoo. The little rascal has spiwit."
"No Spencer Tracys!"
"Suicide squaaaaaaaad . . . . attack!"
"Stop it!"
"You stupid bastards!"
"Stwike him centurion, vewy woughly!"
"Bigus Dickus!"
"Incontinentia buttocks!"
"I shall welease woger!"
"And if its not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off."
"The bastard!"
"Wait 'til Biggus Dickus hears of this!"
"It is customary at this time to welease a wandewer fwom our pwisons."
"I want to have babies."
"Such a sensless waste of human life isn't it?"
"What's so funny about Biggus Dickus?"
"C'mon, who threw that? Who threw that stone, c'mon."
"Vewy well. I shall welease, Bwian!"
"Wolf nipple chips, getting while they're 'ot. They're lovely."
"I shall welease, Wodewick!"
"Wome is your fwiend."
"No Wudolph the Wed Nose Weindeers."
"Well Bwian, you've given us a good wun for our money."