



Reflexology – improved health through our feet.  


          Reflexology is a non-invasive therapy, like aromatherapy, or homeopathy that complements, or works well alongside orthodox medicine. Reflexologists do not diagnose illness, nor do they prescribe medicine, that’s for the medical profession to do.

  It is thought to have originated in China and Egypt, where hieroglyphics in a physician’s tomb dating 2,500 BC depict a person working on feet! In 1913 Dr. William Fitzgerald, developed the ‘zone’ therapy – dividing the body into ten vertical zones, ending in the fingers and toes.  He noticed that pressure applied to certain areas in the hands or feet relieved pain in other areas of the body within the same zone.  Zones of the Body

This theory was later modified in the 1930s by Eunice Ingham, who mapped the body with its organs (lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines etc) onto the foot. These areas are known as ‘reflex’ areas. She noticed that any sensitivity within the foot often reflected in the corresponding region of the body, and thus modern reflexology was born.            


Reflexologists employ a unique technique using their thumbs and fingers to apply varying pressures on the whole foot.  The principle is that the treatment activates the healing powers within the body, and by doing so helps restore all the body‘s systems (circulation, reproductive, endocrine etc.) back to homeostasis – Greek for balance / equilibrium.


Over 75% of illnesses today are caused through stress and tension. The symptoms of stress vary from person to person i.e., stomach problems, constipation, insomnia, palpitations, headaches, fatigue, infertility - the list is long!  We are ill when our bodies are out of balance. The easiest ways to counter stress is through relaxation. When we relax the body starts healing itself.  




The feet being the furthest from the heart, and due to gravity, toxins and waste materials like uric acid and calcium crystals stagnate there. Crystals develop in the nerve endings in our feet (or hands) blocking neural pathways and circulation to the organs they are correspond to. The feet and hands have over 7,000 nerve endings terminating in them and by stimulating these nerve endings and breaking up the crystal deposits, reflexology helps promote: -

ü    Profound relaxation, and release of tension.

ü    Improved blood supply. 

ü    Promotes the unblocking of nerve impulses.

ü    Balances over or under active glands/organs to return to their normal function.

ü    Increases immunity through better circulation.

ü    Increasing energy flow and brings our body back to harmony.

By working on the feet or hands the whole body is being treated, not just the symptom. If you think about it, it is logical that we want our body to be well balanced, and every organ, gland and muscle to have an excellent supply of blood and nerve impulses. So it makes sense to have regular sessions as a preventative measure.




For many years the medical profession deemed reflexology as ‘wacky’, but scientific evidence has proven that it is effective and does work. Many reflexologists in UK and USA work in doctor’s surgeries, hospitals and hospices etc.  Slowly, people in Cyprus are becoming aware of it’s benefits, so…, how about taking your feet to a reflexologist ? 

You are 2 feet away from Good Health!

For more information contact

Hatzy Joyce, MIFPA  -  Larnaca

Work: 24 62 21 62,   Mob. 99 66 70 39