Lynxs Page

Rules for Gifs submitted for Links:
Gifs must be under 200Megs in size. Animated Gifs are acceptable as long as they don't evidence movement of any kind. Gifs may contain any Lyric desired but no Text is allowed. You may use any picture or graphics you wish, as long as they are not visible. Thank-you for your co-operation.

Seriously though, moderate in size (both in screen display and storage space), depending on how many requests come in, size restrictions may have to become more limiting "as time goes bye..."

Html Help

Note: Some of the Humor Links below may contain what might be considered "Adult" content. Viewer discretion is advised.


WARNING: These Humor sites contain Language and Content that would be considered as "Adult" in nature. Children should visit other areas.
Parental Guidance Suggested!


Some possible Gifs for Links back to Snotty's