Here comes another delicious episode of the Space Baron in...
Space Baron and Brian were sitting at the table. It was a fairly standard Saturday afternoon, fitting all ISO 1341 standards regarding Staurday afternoons (not to be confused with ISO 1342 standards regarding silly hats and textual adventure stories, which were also being fulfilled, but that's another story, for another time).
"This is a fairly bad way to start a Space Baron" commented Brian
"You know what?" said Space Baron.
"No. What?" said Brian
"No. Neither do I." said Space Baron. "But one thing I am sure about. Im sick of being a tool of the oppressors."
"Yeah me too." said Brian, jumping in the air and banging his head on the television, which for some reason was suspended from the roof with his suspenders.
Space Baron stared at him quizzically. "You dont actually know what that means do you?" he said leeringly.
" i dont." said Brian, and he sat down again.
"Im so sick of being used. Every time someone gets bored they write a Space Baron. I get dragged out of the closet..." Brian raised his eyebrows "...dont even think about it, Brian." said Space Baron, narrowly averting a homosexual/homophopic reference. He continued "...out of the closet and prance around for people amusement. Well I'm sick of it. I'm going to fire the narrator, and we're going to do what we want for an afternoon. Okay?" said Space Baron, as the narrator tried desperately to fill in room till the end of the story so he wouldnt get fired because it was very bad to be fired and not have anything to see and what kind of story would it be without...
"Ok" said Brian.
...a narrator. See, that last statement wouldn't have made sense without a narrator would it? Narrators are valuable members of society and we need them to get along in this world.
"Narrator," said Space Baron.
and besides who else will narrate if the narrators dont? You? i dont think so, noone will be able to survive...
"Youre fired."
"Well this is interesting."
"What shall we do now?"
"I dont know."
"Who said that?"
"I dont know. I think someone came into the room, but I cant tell without the narrator"
"Who said that?"
"Who said what?"
"Right thats it. Im just going to sit here till the narrator comes back."
"Yeah, me too."
"Yeah, me too."
"Who's saying what?"