5858lvr = whole map
bactame = full heatlh
deeznuts = next level at The Force
eriamjh = fly mode
imayoda = Master of The Light Side
jediwannabe x = turn God Mode on/off (on: x = 1, off: x = 0)
pinotnoir # = change between levels ( # is a number between 1 and 21)
raccoonking = All Force Powers
red5 = all weapons
sithlord = Master of The Dark Side
slowmo x = turn slowmotion on/off (til: x = 1, fra: x = 0)
thereisnotry = jump to next level
wamprat = all items
whiteflag = turn fake intelligence on/off (on: x = 1, off: x = 0)
yodajammies = full mana
coords = give you the actual cordinates
dispstats = show statistics over frame rate, aktual force levels ect.
endlevel (none) = end the corcerned level. Particular useful in Multiplayer mode
framerate (none) = show the actual framerate (but can apparently not turns off again)
hyper (#) = move you from one respawn point to another in singleplayer mode (# is a arbitrary number)
kick (X) = kick the player X (key in the correct name) out of the game. Is only accessible for HOST
kill = you kill your self
ping (X) = allow you ping to the player with the name X (key in the correct name). Clients can be content with write ping (without indicate the servername)
team (#) = chose a team (1: red, 2: yellow, 3: blue, 4: green)
warp (x, y, z) = warp the player to the cordinates x, y, z
version = show you what version of the game, you have