Unforgettable Mio
Here we see that Mio the dog is once again ready for another archive!

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        It is very hard to find words that can truly manifest the meaningfulness and timeliness of the archive Unforgettable Mio. In the minds of Kurt Schuette, Jackson Price, and later on, Jon Davidenas, Unforgettable Mio has become the epitome of all archives.  From the day that Unforgettable Mio was filmed and shown for the first time, which happened to be the same day, it has been their quest to make all future archives able to achieve the highest standard of Unforgettable Mio.
        For those of you who are new to our archives, and haven't seen Unforgettable Mio yet, this is a must see.  Back in 1993 when Jackson and Kurt were new to archives, they decided that it was time to make a video that was truly enjoyable to watch and would stand up to the test of time.  It wasn't too hard for them to come up with an idea for a video.  Only shortly before, they had made the Star Trek IV Themed Mio Video which starred Mio, Jackson's brother Toby's dog.  That video had been put together very quickly, and turned out pretty good.  The idea was that if they put out a video that they worked hard at, it would be even better.  Up until that point, neither Kurt nor Jackson had ever done any heavy post production with any video.  They both realized that this one would require some very accurate video splices if it was to match the music. 
        Then came the day for filming.  The school yard behind Kurt's house was chosen for the filming location.  The day was bright and sunny, perfect for filming.  It was decided that it would be best if Mio was allowed to do her own thing, so Mio was let loose and filming commenced.  During this time, Kurt was behind camera, and Jackson kept Mio in action.  Just then, Kurt's neighbor, Jon Davidenas walked across the school yard, delivering something to the school.  Having never talked to him before, Kurt and Jackson asked if he would like to help, and with that, Unforgettable Mio became the very first archive in which Jon Davidenas participated in (Click here for a photo of Jon).  This was very odd because for quite a while after that, KS and JP never really knew Jon.  And Jon did not participate in an archive again until A Typical Day (1996) after which he became a very big part of the archives.
        The music had already been decided on for this video.  Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable".  A recording of this song could not be found anywhere, so KS and JP called up WRTH radio and requested it.  WRTH was more than willing to play the song if it was to be used for one of the archives.  By that evening, the editing had been finished, and it was ready for viewing.  Iris Price came over and became the first person to view this archive.  After seeing the film, Iris stated, "Unforgettable Mio is an excellent film.  The cinematography, continuity, and sound editing is superb.  I am honored to be associated with such fine young men!"

Fun Facts

Cast and Crew
Jackson Price................................................................................Jackson Price
Jon Davidenas..............................................................................Jon Davidenas

Sound editing.................................................................................Kurt Schuette
Video editing.................................................................................Kurt Schuette
                                                                                                     Jackson Price
Mio's Trainer.....................................................................................Toby Price
Music provided by.........................................................WRTH Radio, St. Louis

No animals were harmed during the making of this film